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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Sara’s Smile

Sara’s Smile is the house reef of Belmar Private Oceanfront Apartments, so if you dive from the shore you need permission. A nice reef and after the dive you will certainly emerge with a “smile“.

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Bachelor Beach (38)

Another great shore dive in Bonaire, especially nice for photographers due to the sheer diversity of marine life found here. You’ll be greeted underwater first by a sandy plateau and the reef starts just a bit further out.

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Chez Hines (39)

This spot starts with a shallow reef, nice for beginning divers or snorkeling. For the more experienced divers, at about 37 meters the 2nd reef starts.

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Corporal Meiss (37)

The dive site is named after Corporal Robert W. Meiss. It is a typical dive site like Bonaire has many. It is also a popular beach! So combine your dive with sun, sea, beach, snorkeling and a good BBQ.

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Delphins Reef

This is the house reef of the resort of the same name here on Bonaire. It is a beautiful sandy plateau before the wall starts at 15m. Very nice facilities for divers.

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Lighthouse Point (40)

The reef here is between 15 and 30 meters. Shallower and deeper you will find mainly sand. This spot is a bit difficult to access from the shore but good by boat.

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Windsock (36)

Sitting just across the street from the airport, Windsock is an excellent easy entry shore dive great for all levels of divers. A shallow, sandy plateau is followed by a healthy reef structure full of marine life.

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Punt Vierkant (41)

Punt square is the beginning of the south coast of Bonaire. At this spot also starts the beautiful double reef. Dive over the first reef, to a depth of 25 meters to the next.

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The Lake (42)

’The Lake’ is actually an ocean dive site accessible by shore and consists of a beautiful double reef. The first reef is shallower than the second reef and they are separated by a long sand strip.

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Hilma Hooker (Wreck) (43)

The Hilma Hooker is a 236-foot Dutch freighter that has a long and varied history including being used as a drug runner. It sunk just offshore in 1984 and is now the most popular wreck dive on Bonaire.

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