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Dive sites nearby

Secca di Fetovaia

Fetovaia is one of the most famous beaches on Elba and the shoal is located right in front of the gulf, rising from 50m up to about 10m from the surface.

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Relitto di Pomonte

The Elviscot wreck is one of the most famous wrecks in the Mediterranean because it is located on a 12-meter deep seabed and reaches only a few meters from the surface.

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Scoglio della Triglia

Outcropping rock present south of the Gulf of Marina di Campo. Wonderful dive site for Try, Open and advanced. Thanks to its conformation it always gives excitement.

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Formiche della Zanca

After Punta di Sant’Andrea we find semi-outcropping rocks that constitute the Zanca Ants. This site offers various more or less deep diving routes.

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Secca del Careno

After the tip of St. Andrew there are 2 mooring buoys dedicated to diving, we are on the Careno shoal, which really offers many dive profiles.

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Punta della Madonna

Not far from the port of Marciana Marina we find this point that stands out in the open sea offering a long submerged wall that rapidly sinks to over 40 meters.

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Punta del Nasuto

This dive site is located west of Marciana Marina, just outside the harbor. It is characterized by a beautiful wall that juts out into the open sea from the headland.

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Secca di Fonza

The shoal is about a hundred meters from Fonza beach. Its cap is at - 4 m, and the east-facing wall plummets to the bottom on the sand at - 40 m.

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Le Coralline

In front of Marina di Campo we find this very beautiful shoal, characterised by the presence of red coral at little depth, which is absolutely rare in Elba!

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Capo Stella / Isola Corbella

The dive is divided into two parts: the southern part, which is less challenging and goes down to 35 meters, and the northern part, which is suitable for more experienced divers and goes deeper than 40 meters.

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