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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Batu Belah

This site consists of lumps of coral on sandy slope. This makes it a particularly interesting site for divers that wish to see coral formation combined with macro life organism and enjoy the beautiful colorful reef full of sponge, gorgonians and fish.

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Batu niti

The site itself starts from rocky shallows leading to a gentle slope that continues down past 30 metres. Although the fine sand and rocks are the most distinguishing feature, the site is also home to a lot of small corals, wire corals, and hydroids.For critter lovers this is a great site in the Seraya area.

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Seraya Tulamben

Seraya Secret is a great macro dive site, paradise for photographers from all over the world by day and by night. Definitely a must see dive site for macro lovers!

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This shallow shore entry dive has much to offer. There you can find artificial reef structures placed around 9 meters deep, established in 2008 Now overgrown with corals this is one of the preferred muck dive sites in this area by many macro enthusiasm.

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Shore and shallow dive. Sandy bottom with rocks. Perfect habitat for macro critters. Great choice for night dives and macro lovers! Good playground for underwater photographers. Highly recommended by night.

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Emerald called also Embral is at the end of a large volcanic wall starting with the Drop-off in Tulamben village. Accessible only by Jukung traditional boat.

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Srikandi Speedboat (Wreck)

This is a new wreck of a Speedboat with maybe 20 seats inside that sunk and is now around 25 to 35m deep. You can see the full boat; it looks perfect still. Access is from the beach, in front of Srikandi restaurant.

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Ghost Bay

One minute from the closest dive center, Ghost bay is another great macro dive site, paradise for photographers by day and by night. A rock shaped area is habitat for crazy critters!

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Alamanda is a place that we reach with a so-called "Jukung ". Start is the entrance at the drop off and the trip takes no more than five minutes. The entry is directly from the small boat and the equipment is put on in the water.

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Tulamben Drop-Off

Drop Off is slope down where on one side is a wall down to a deep water, mostly stay on maximum depth at 30 meters where reef is very nice well covers with soft coral. To dive is here is beach entry, as a diver should always check the SPG how much air left before turn swimming back to exit point.

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