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Dive sites nearby

Koh Waeo North/Banana Rock

Koh Waeo is a small island about 3 km out from the north end of Bangtao Beach. The island is small with little top-side vegetation. Underwater, however, the island is about 100 times larger than what you see from the surface. Around the site are many buoys installed to moor the boats.

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Koh Waeo South

Koh Waeo is a small island accessible from Kamala in 40 minutes by boat or a shorter ride from Bangtoa Beach. This little island offers a huge underwater reef and plenty of fish. Currents are moderate to light year round - a perfect site for beginners. To the south, you will find fields of soft coral.

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Tin Lizzy (Wreck)

About 2 kilometers straight out from the middle of Bangtao Beach lies an old tin mining dredger or excavator. The wreck is surrounded with concrete blocks, making a huge artificial reef. This site is considered one the best dive sites along the west coast of Phuket.

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White Rock, Pansea

15 minutes by longtail boat from BangTao Beach takes us to White Rock. Its a collection of boulders starting around 2m deep to maximum 12 m deep. We swim east heading into the bay passing boulders, sand, small patches of corals.

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Kamala Rock

Ten minutes northwest of Kamala Beach and only 300 meters from the shoreline is a group of boulders and rocks visible at low tide and completely submerged by high tide around full or new moon. The reef surrounding the rocks stretches almost 200 meters to the south. On the north side, you can reach 16 meters deep.

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Ayara Bay

20 minutes boat ride out of Kamala beach going south you find a rocky wall. The cliff descend into the water to a depth of about 20 meters. Perfect ofr a drift dive if you dive between high and low tide.

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Tai Pau

Tai Pau is very close to Kamala and consists of a bay with shallow sandy areas and a maximum depth of 12m. It is ideal for Discover Scuba Diving and Open Water courses and a reef lies just to the North with a maximum depth of 18m.

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Nakaley reef is about 200 meter long. About 10 meters from the beach starts the reef stretching out into the sea 50 meters and running exactly from north to south. The reef gradually drops to 12 - 14 meters depth in front of a sandy bottom. The reef is good for beach diving or boat approach by sea.

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Karon cubes

Concrete cubes, two stacks. About 5m between the stacks. Shallowest point around 16-18m and sandy bottom around 21-23m. 3-4 layers of cubes. Also big fishing traps around cubes.

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Kata Beach North Reef

Kata Beach North Reef divers can avoid expensive boat trips to remote destinations throughout the diving season as this site is close and easy to get to. Different creatures move into different areas at different times; no two dives on Kata are ever the same.

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