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Dive sites nearby

Bazén Suchdol

Pool for divers. The maximum depth of the pool is 3.2m. Minimum depth 1.5m. the length of the pool is 25m and the width is about 12m (6 lanes). Above the deep part there is a diving board 3m above the surface.

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Potápěčská jáma Aquapalace Praha

The training pool is located in the Aquapalace Prague Čestlice. It is 8 meters deep, for training and practice there is a shallow part with a depth of 1.5 meters and a metal plateau at a depth of 4 meters.

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Žernovka - lom

A small quarry near Prague. There is no staff or diving facilities on site, everything works on trust. There is a space to set up your gear and stairs straight into the water. The entrance is a step into deep water, so it is not suitable for complete beginners.

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Přehrada Slapy - Náplavka

Location on the Slapy dam - Vltava. approx. 35 km from Prague. Diving is possible directly from the end of the road - parking by the water. The ideal entry to the water is behind the gate at the boat launch - entry only outside of operating hours! Temperature: Winter 0°–4°C, Summer 24°–16°C, Visibility 1-10m.

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Přehrada Slapy - Přístaviště u hráze

The maximum depth is 56 meters, the temperature varies throughout the year between 3-12°C. At depth of 43m there is a trail, on which is a wreck of pontoon. In the direction against the current (swim time around 15 mins) there is a wreck of a boat at the depth of 25m, it is probably the biggest wreck on Slapy.

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A lake in a residual pit after lignite mining, which filled up spontaneously in the 1970s. In the water there are a lot of man-made attractions such as a caisson, a car wreck, statues and also training plates.

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Přehrada Slapy - Zátoka Babor

Dive Site on the Vltava River - Slapy dam. Access to the water is possible from the boat dock or from the ALEA Divers private jetty, where the ropeways start - marked purple on the map. The depths of ropeways are from 5m (training platform) to 45m (Babor solitude).

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Jezero Most

The location is near the town of Most. Artificially flooded open-pit mine. Distance from Prague about 85km (1:15hrs drive time), 4km from Most by car you can drive “to the water“.

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Přehrada Slapy - Borákův mlýn

The remains of a flooded mill, you can see a wooden mill wheel, remains of walls and a wall around the previous riverbed. The entrace is the best by boat, or you can swim from the opposite shore. The navigation is quite difficult - compass is mandatory. The maximum depth is 35m, temperature 4-18 C.

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Přehrada Slapy - Cholín továrna

At 20 - 25 m depth there are remains of power plant and an old tannery. 5 m tall wall starts a several meters above the power plant and ends approx. 100m bellow it. From the previous powerplant there are 5m tall walls, that are intact, marking the plan of the object, around the previous riverbed. Max. depth is 25m

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.