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Dive sites nearby

Dolphin Garden

Just off Papatura Ite, a long reef stretches out from the Island with beautiful coral. Max depth is around 17 metres so perfect for new divers and beginners. This can be 2 separate dives both having a unique diving experience

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Dolphin Outer wall

Ten minutes to the west of Papatura lies Outer Dolphin Wall, an expansive wall stretching approximately 500 meters in length. The depth ranges 5 meters to 30 meters deep. This site experiences bi-directional currents influenced by tidal movements. This site exposed to the open ocean so can have large swell.

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Papatura point

Straight off the shore of Papatura to the right is Papatura point. This site is a long spacious reefs ranging from 5 meters deep to 18 meters. This site experiences bi-directional currents influenced by tidal movements. Can be murky if lots of rain fall has occurred.

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Papatura Pool

Shore dive to the sandy bottom area in front of Papatura. This site is five to eight meters deep. It is used as a training (pool like) site for new divers. Very protected, can be used all the time.

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Kid Reef

The left of Papatura shore, underneath the pontoon is little reef system, Kid Reef. Great for learning and assessing buoyancy before heading out to deeper dives. Max depth at Kid reef is 16 meters. This site experiences bi-directional currents influenced by tidal movements.

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Grandma’s Garden

In view of Papatura, two minute boat ride away lies a bommie reef. Grandma’s garden starts at three meters down to twenty meters. Snorkelers can tag along as the reef has lots of life in the three meter area. This site experiences bi-directional currents influenced by tidal movements and sheltered from winds.

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Twenty minutes to the west of Papatura lies Anchovies from five to twenty five meters. Anchovies has an inner wall dive area that is sheltered from large swell and an outer wall which is larger but can experience large swell. This site experiences bi-directional currents which are tidal influenced.

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Pilena Reef

Fifteen mins east of Papatura lies Pilena Reef. The reef begins at four meters down to twenty meters deep. This site is exposed to large swell if high winds occur. Light current can occur but this site is relatively protected underneath.

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G Spot

Twenty min boat ride west of Papatura lies G spot. This site is a bommie at 5 meters down to 30+ meters. This site is exposed so experiences large swell and current. When rough it can be hard to spot so is best on a sunny day.

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Jamie’s Jungle

20 minutes east of Papatura lies Jamie’s Jungle. This is a bommie at five meters down to thirty+ meters. This site is exposed to large swell if high winds occur. There is often current flowing in one direction around the bommie, while there may be none on the other side. The current depends on the swell and tide.

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.