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This dive sites is located 10 minute away from our dive center. It is located on the island Giustjna, and we anchor close to the island. A perfect spot for beginners and experienced diver.

During a dive at this dive sites you can encounter nudibranches, octopus, scorpionfish clouds of damselfish and wrasse.


Wildlife Species


SSI Training Centers

11m / 36ft

Max. Depth



This data is provided from the logbook information in the MySSI app

Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Two Sisters

This dive sites is located 5 minutes away from our dive center. The 2 sisters is between to little islands. We anchor in the middle of the 2 islands. This dive sites is perfect for beginner divers and for the experience diver that love to discover critters.

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Porer Island

This is almost a secret spot, which is only approached by a few diving centres. The beautiful reef resembles an extensive underwater plateau with many terraced gradations.The richly vegetated reef begins 8 meters below the water surface and extends to a depth of over 25 meters.

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Porer Reef

This is almost a secret spot, which is only approached by a few diving centres. The beautiful reef resembles an extensive underwater plateau with many terraced gradations.The richly vegetated reef begins 8 meters below the water surface and extends to a depth of over 25 meters.

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Bay Camping Vestar

The dive sites is located directly in front of the Dive Center, in the Marina of the Camping Vestar. The maximum depth is 4/5 meter and it is perfect for try dive, mermaiding, night dive, equipment test and refresh dive.

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Villas Rubin Beach

Easy access from the beach in front of hotel swimming pool. At the beginning rock formations and later sandy bottom. Max depth of 6m with avg depth of 3.5m. Ideal for OWD courses or Try Dives.

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San Giovanni

A dive site for those who like small fish, it is also ideal for beginners. Excellent conditions for viewing marine life, which can already be found at a depth of 20 m without the need for deep diving.

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Piruzi island

Highly fissured rock gently sloping landscape in temporarily sandy ground. Ideal training ground for beginners. The depth varies from 5 to 22 meters.

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This dive site on the outskirts of the small island Sturago consists of many interesting rock formations and a canyon is to dive as well. Since the dive site 12 meters and up the most interesting, is the sufficient time to relax and look in the many crevices a lot of aquatic life awaits us.

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San Giovanni Nord

This dive sites is situated on the north side of San Giovanni (Sv. Ivan) Island. It offers a easy drop to a depth initially of 18mt, till you can reach a second reef at the depht of 30mt. the nice wall is cover of yellow encrusting anemone and yellow sponges.

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Insel Faro

Diving on the reef can be very difficult. It begins at a depth of 6 meters/18 feet and then slopes down in terraces to around 43 meters/145 ft meters. Due to the boat traffic during the season and the extreme currents, diving is often only possible outside of the high season and only for experienced divers.

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.