Innerkip Quarry

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This is a great spot for spring & early summer diving. There are lots of sunken artifacts to find like planes, boats, buses, cars, and a sunken mine shaft. Visibility dramatically reduces toward the fall and winter. You can pay the $5 day use fee or stay the whole weekend at the camp ground on site.

Wildlife includes the typical Southern Ontario fish like northern pike, perch, trout, (huge) suckers, bass, sunfish, crayfish, and the occasional pickerel.


Wildlife Species


SSI Training Centers

8m / 26ft

Max. Depth



This data is provided from the logbook information in the MySSI app

Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Dolime/Glenchristie Quarry

This is the old Dolime quarry or also now known as the Glenchristie quarry and is located just outside of Toronto, Canada. The quarry sits at around 30 - 40 ft deep and the deeper section towards the back reaches just to about 90 ft. There is limited parking and this is a popular training site, so get there early!

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Oakville (Wreck)

This is a buoyed wreck which is a Work Barge. The flat hard deck is in 60 feet/ 18 mtrs of water. This site has easy navigation in all visibility. The muddy bottom sits at about 72 feet /22 mtrs) Beware of cold water temperatures. Even in the heat of the summer, 41 F / 5 Celsius is the norm.

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Tradewind (Wreck)

Thermocline dive. She sits upright in 120’ of water. There is normally very good visibility at this site, in the range of 30-70’, with bottom temperatures in the low to mid 40’s.

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Indiana Wreck

The Indiana lies upright in 90 feet of water, with her stone cargo above and below decks, just as it was loaded. Her masts are down and her bow broken. Her anchors can be found among the bow wreckage.

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Welland Scuba Park

This is an excellent dive site for beginners as well as for advanced training. Explore boats, cars, barges, and other assorted items, sunk & ready to be discovered! This site is apparently private land, although we have not been able to locate any owner. It has been closed for special events like FloatFest.

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John J Boland

Thermocline Dive. Thermocline is typically at 55’. She’s lying on her starboard side in 130 feet of water, rising 40 feet of the bottom. Bring dive lights.

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Dean Richmond wreck

She lies today in 115’ of water off North East , PA. The ship is inverted but intact except for a hole used by the salvors for penetration. One of the propellers remains, the other has been removed.

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Betty Hedger

The remains of the Betty Hedger lie in 115’ of water, with mounds of sulfur cargo still in place. Much of the decking and sides are gone, leaving the massive framing structure exposed. There is a small pilothouse complete with portholes, a small winch, an anchor and other items visible.

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Windmill Point Park

Excellent training area for Open Water, Advanced, and Master Diver candidates. Quarry has many scuba platforms with guide lines. Max depth of 35’/10m.

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Niagara River Isle View Drift

River drift from Isleview south parking lot to Isleview boat docks. Float and flag needed. Max depth is approx 23-feet and approx a 45-minute dive time.

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.