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Dive sites nearby

Le Fer à Cheval

A natural tunnel, shaped like a horseshoe, is carved into the coral and allows the lagoon to meet the ocean. On the side of the ocean you can see white-tipped sharks sleeping on the sand, dancing heteroconger eels, and pipefish (cousin to the seahorse).

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La Marado

A spectacular terrain : chimneys, a peak (called Oti point), water which is almost always crystal clear. An untouched fauna and flora: gorgonians, octocoralia, anemones, sea slugs, jack fish, murena eels, napoleon fish...

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La Vavi

This is the name of the river which flows down from the valley. Here you will discover an overhanging reef covered with gorgonians. You can also spot white-tipped sharks fast asleep. Ocean diving up to 50m.

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Les Gorgones

A dive up to 50m in depth, perfect for budding photographers: orange and violet gorgonians, black coral, octocoralia, soft coral, ghost coral, sea slugs...

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Tables de Taravao

This is a “2in1” diving experience. First, explore a magnificent vertical drop-off with numerous crevasses, where passing platax and tuna are often encountered. The second part of the dive will take you to explore a superb platier covered with vaulted troughs over a vast expanse.

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Le Trou du Lagon

A richly diversified lagoon basin, from 2 to 30 meters, where you can observe sleeping white-tip sharks, huge tetrodons, scorpionfish, savon fish, milkfish, anemones, a magnificent coral rose, spondylls, turtles and leopard rays.

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Tombant de Papeari

This reef drop-off is covered with gorgonians and soft coral. Without fail you’ll see schools of chubs and paddletail snappers at a depth of 20m. In the deep blue you might just meet mackerel scads being chased by bonito or tuna. Spadelfish (paraha peue) are regular to this spot!

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Dérivante aux tortues

As the name suggests, this is a drift dive where we often bump into turtles! With a little bit of luck we might also see jack mackerels, striped bonitos and dog-toothed tuna in the deep blue... We’ve even seen an Indo-Pacific sailfish!

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La Baie de Paea

Located in the bay of Paea, this diving site is suitable for all levels. Come explore the diverse coral plateau and venture along the gentle slope or the drop-off.

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Fausse Passe de Paea

Stunning drop-off interspersed with fissures and overhangs at the edge of a rich little pass. Probably one of the most beautiful sites in Paea. Not to be missed!

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.