Medhu Faru

  • 591

Beautiful outside reef dive. Many big and small coral blocks between 5-15 meters. A gentle drop off going down to 30 meters. Best to be dived in an East to West current.

Frequently seen: White tip reef sharks, Green sea Turtle, Long fin Banner fish, cruising Eagle rays, Napoleon Wrasse.


Wildlife Species


SSI Training Centers

25m / 82ft

Max. Depth



This data is provided from the logbook information in the MySSI app

Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Napoleon Reef

This dive site is named Napoleon Reef for good reason. This site is covered in large Napoleon wrasses. This is a good drift dive for all levels of diver. Many times divers have also encountered whale sharks and mobula rays here as well.

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lhosfushi corner

Lhosfushi corner can be dived with strong or medium flowing inward or outward of the atoll, or with no current at all. It’s therefore a suitable dive site for all level, with both good hard & soft corals, and a very dense fish life.

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Medhu Faru

Middle point “MEDHU FARU“ offers different varieties of fish life. At 30m overhangs are covered with sea fans and between 8-20m. Drifting to the inside will take you along rich coral formations. The best diving can be archived during a north east current.

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Lhosfushi Kuda Kandu

Kuda Kandu means small channel and is located north of Guraidhoo channel, it has a very shallow sandy bottom at 12 meters deep and 10 meters wide. It offers colonies of stony and soft corals which give good hide away spots to blue stripe yellow snappers.

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Kandoo Kan

With a slow incoming current Kandoo Kan is a great site of beginner divers to observe plenty of big fish life close to the reef. This is one of the best dive sites to encounter huge green sea turtles.

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Kandooma Caves

Nice channel dive with many overhangs in around 20 meters depth. One of the overhangs at 20 meters has an opening at the ceiling with a window at 10 meters. Torch highly recommended. Many turtles seen here!

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Guraidhoo Corner

One of the interesting attractions during the east monsoon, this site offers a wide variety of big fish life. The entire channel is a marine protected area. Depending on the strength of the current, be well prepared for several downstream currents and some washing machines when drifting to the inside channel.

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Kandooma Thila

This “Thila” is in the middle of the kandooma kandu. From 2000 to 2009 this dive site was ranked world 10th place of shark diving. The top of the reef is full of hard corals. The sides of the “Thila” are covered with soft corals. The currents are strong here and highly recommend for Advanced and Nitrox divers.

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Cocoa Corner

Your best dive at Cocoa Corner will be when the northeast incoming ocean current hits this Atoll, which then only requires you a minimal fin kick to cruise along. This can be a long drift or a short drift dive. Make sure you do not miss the corner. An ideal spot for a early morning dive to see hammerhead sharks.

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Mendhu Ingili

Locally, Mendhu Ingili means “middle finger.“ This dive site is a hidden treasure with a beautiful reef away from the busy and famous Guraidhoo corner. Diversity is rich here due to the flow of nutritious ocean currents.

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.