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Dive sites nearby


A nice and easy site 20 minutes to the north east of Le Meridien Maldives. A top reef with healthy hard coral gardens at about 5 meters. he dive site reaches a depth of a maximum of 25 meters and features a large and very nice coral block in the north east at approximately 20 meters depth.

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About a 15-minute boat ride to the north west of Le Meridien we find the small Talabo Thila. Talabo is Divehi for “bald person” because of the lack of beautiful corals. The dive starts at about 5 meters and then drops down to a sandy bottom at around 20 – 25 meters where we can often find rare porcupine stingrays

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Candice Thila is a beautiful small reef with it’s reef top around 5m and its bottom at around 30 meters. It is located 15 boat minutes north of Le Meridien Maldives

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This beautiful thila is located south west of Le Meridien Maldives. The top of the reef is at about 5 - 8 meters, going down to around 30 meters. Overall, Maduvvari Haa is teaming with life. In the South west is a nice overhang and the north east you’ll find a beautiful coral garden mainly consisting of hard coral

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Hudhu Thila is a great site for macro diving. Hudhu Thila is located north east of Le Meridien and has a top reef at approximately 5 meters. From there it drops to the bottom at 25 to 30 meters and features some lovely overhangs. Hudhu Thila is a great site for macro diving.

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The reef starts at about 5 meters, where you’ll find a few rocks and hard coral blocks. Make sure to have a look underneath the various blocks to spot some lobsters. The main thila drops to about 25 to 30 meters and features some very nice coral gardens in the north east that are teeming with life.

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A 10-minute boat ride to the north and we arrive at Boava Thila. Located north of Le Meridien and in the inside atoll, the dive site is suitable for beginners and experienced divers alike. The reef features large patches with beautiful black coral .

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The dive at Thin Sehli starts fairly shallow at around 5 meters then gradually drops down to 25 meters on all sides. The dive site features some really nice coral blocks and is home to several cleaning stations where cleaning wrasses are waiting for larger fish to come by to get “cleaned”.

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Ahga Giri

Ahga Giri is a small reef with its reeftop at 5 meters. The place is famous for its resident nurse sharks which grow quite big at the place. A stunning experience without any comparison!

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Gaa Vehtunu Thila translates into “fallen stone” reef. The fallen stone actually describes a reef structure west of the main reef consists of a big mushroom coral block at 19 meters depth. The main thila has a small top reef at 5 meters from where it drops gradually to about 20 meters.

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