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Dive sites nearby

U-Boot (Wreck)

At about 55 meters there is a complete submarine (6-10 m long) to explore. Access from land is via Camping Grabner (Pike Bay). This site is only suitable for experienced divers and tech divers, the dive without scooter takes about 15 minutes.

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The dive site Föttinger is a great dive site for all levels with many platforms. In total there are 13 platforms between 5 - 40 meters. Additionally, there is a buoyancy cage and a statue made of cylinders at the dive site.

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The Ofen dive site is a sloping dive site down to about 40 meters, then a steep wall begins which drops to over 100 meters.

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There are 3 menhirs to dive, the bigger one starts at 18m and reaches a depth of 32m. Suitable for advanced divers. Since 2018, three life-size wooden figures have been built around the menhirs as part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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Attersee - Schwarze Brücke

Access is possible via stairs with a handrail. Most interesting is the area to the right of the entrance, here after approx. 3 minutes from a depth of 10 meters you get to the steep wall that drops to approx. 70 meters. Dive site should only be dived by well trained and cold water experienced divers.

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Attersee, Marias Weg

On the slightly sloping shore there is a platform at about 5m depth from which you can dive to the right. Up to a depth of 30m there is a lot to see with nice vegetation in the shallow area. There are many "little things" sunk, which make the dive entertaining.

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The Kohlbauernaufsatz dive site is a shallow sloping dive site that leads to an approximate depth of 36 meters, where there is also a wooden tile with a wooden toilet house.

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This freshwater dive site has a max depth of 20m and a slightly sloping bank structure. Rocks, tree trunks, and branches are everywhere. To the right, there is mainly monotonous muddy underground. To the left, you will find stony and sandy underground covered with rocks and tree trunks.

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The dive site is located directly in the Europabad. (Access only possible when the lido is open) WC & bathing buffet open in summer in good weather. There is also a small diving center (Scuba Consult) with filling possibility. (normally only open at weekends and in summer)

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This lake dive site has a max depth of 20m with a sloping bottom. There are platforms at 8m, 10m, and 20m to practice skills. Special features include games for divers are attached to the platforms, otherwise, there is debris in the stream inlet to explore.

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.