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Dive sites nearby

Fridge Bodrum

Fridge Bay has two dive sites to visit; one is left of the bay and has a smooth sloping topography. The other site is only for advanced divers as reaches depths of 18 to 30 meters. You need an experienced dive leader to find this spot since it is in the middle of the bay, surrounded by seagrass.

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C-47 Dakota is a military plane wreck with a length of 20m and wing width of 30m. It was sunk by BOSAD in 2007. Its depth starts at 19m and descends to 33m. In 2010 the wreck was broken into two pieces and the body/tail part drifted deeper. The left engine was also broken as she was moving.

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Black Island Lighthouse

Black Island Lighthouse is on the north-west point of the island. It is a calm, small bay and good for southernly winds. A large sandy bottom is good for confined water training. There are slopy rocks on each side of the bay and reaches down to 40m+. Good for OW and AOW divers. Rich marine life.

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Fener Altı

Fener Alti is at the northwest corner of the Black Island. It is a 20-minute journey to reach by boat. An ideal point for both advanced divers, open water divers, and beginners. The rock formations start from 5 meters and goes down to 20 meters.

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Smuggler’s Cove

Smuggler’s Bay is famous since Ottoman Times and used by drug smugglers from Greek islands. The bay makes a deep cut on the island’s profile and it is very hard to see the bay from distance. There is also a very long and winding underwater cave system with an entrance right below the sea level.

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Neco Bay

This bay is a calm, small bay and a good place to hide from southern winds and waves. Left side of the bay is rocky and shallow. Good for try scuba and entry level divers. This wall then drops down to 30-35m to reach to a sandy plateau. Keep wall on your left side and continue your diving. Minimum current.

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Bubble Cave

This site is on the back of the Black Island at a depth of 12 meters. The cave is full of wreckfish and tubeworms. There is light in the cave. However, do not forget your torch for a better view. One by one, swim up the chimney and be careful not to kick the sponges. It is easy to see many kinds of fragile corals.

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Big Reef

The most beautiful and fascinating dive site in Bodrum. Big Reef has all the diving opportunities in it. The depth starts at 7m (25 ft). Divers can use the anchor chain for an easy descent to the top of the reef. lt has a wall that faces Black Island and drops straight down from 7 meters to 34 meters.

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Small Reef

Small Reef lays 200 meters from the Big Reef towards Bodrum. Lots of fish are here waiting to be seen. The depth starts at 5m (15 ft) to 26m (78ft). This site is 15 min. from the harbor by dive boat.

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TCG Pinar-1 (Wreck)

The TCG Pinar 1 was a Navy Coastguard water carrying ship. It has been sunk by BOSAD (Bodrum Sualtı Derneği) in May 2007 to create an artificial reef for divers. It has a length of 37m and 7m width. The stern lies at 20m and descends to around 30m.

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.