The Beauties of the Ocean

Lionfish are native to Indo-Pacific waters and are usually found hiding under ledges or in shallow caves at depths between 2 and 60 meters. They are diurnal, meanings they hunt both during the day and at night but often stay hidden until sunset to avoid predators. Unfortunately, lionfish have become an invasive species in the western Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. In fact, despite their menacing beauty, lionfish have become a huge problem in the Caribbean as their population has spread tremendously in just a single decade. In fact, the Science Channel has claimed they are “one of the most aggressively invasive species on the planet.” These flashy predators are considered fairly aggressive and harmful to humans so take caution when diving with lionfish and keep a safe distance.
Also known as the zebrafish, turkeyfish, or butterfly-cod, lionfish are easily identified by their distinctive red, white, and black stripes, prominent pectoral fins, and venomous, spiny fin rays. There are currently 12 different species of lionfish, two of which have invaded Atlantic waters. If you are interested in diving with these stunning predatory fish, click on the map below to explore dive sites around the world where lionfish can be found.
Popular dive sites

7 Logged dives • 6 Sightings This thila / pinnacle is located in the south of Shaviyani atoll and due to the lack of tourism, with very few guesthouses or resorts in this area, this site is best reached by liveaboard.Maldives

R.M.S. Maitai
8 Logged dives • 6 Sightings The 1892 built, 3400 tons steamship R.M.S. Maitai struck the reef outside Avarua Harbour on Christmas Day 1916. After over 100 years of resting just below the surf zone, the wreck is now part of the reef. The wreckage is scattered over a large area. Depth 10 metresCook Islands

Exmouth Navy Pier
338 Logged dives • 211 Sightings The Navy Pier is situated just 15 minutes outside Exmouth. It only can be accessed by granted company’s from the Australian Military as this is a base. ID must be shown before hand and fee payed to enter.Australia

Kamares South
13 Logged dives • 8 Sightings Very close to the port of Marathi in Akrotiri Chania, a beautiful bay for beginners and advanced divers. A wall of very rich interest with an average depth of 18m as well as a very beautiful gorge in the shallows.Greece