The trevally is a large species of silvery marine fish in the jack family.

The trevally is a large species of silvery marine fish in the jack family and a favorite game fish amongst open water anglers. These massive predators can be found individually and in schools throughout the Indo-Pacific region, ranging from South Africa west to Hawaii and Japan south to Australia. Trevallies are intelligent fish species, using targeted hunting strategies to pick off their prey, including other fish species, crustaceans, cephalopods, and mollusks.
Diving with trevally is an exciting experience as they offer thrilling encounters due to their large size and swift swimming abilities. You can spot juvenile trevallies in warm lagoons, whereas the adults prefer deeper waters and are often sighted around offshore atolls and deep drop-offs. Check out the map below to find the best dive spots for trevally sightings.
Popular dive sites

Devil’s Kitchen
16 Logged dives • 10 Sightings Famous for the swiss cheese reef that runs into a punchbowl. This site offers hidey holes and overhangs for marine life and divers of all levels to enjoy. Ranging from 20 - 60 feet, look for octopus, lobsters, french grunts, and much much more!British Virgin Islands

21 Logged dives • 8 Sightings Shimosone is the hidden root of the complete open sea that goes to the south where there is no island shadow from Kuba Island. The diving style is basically drift diving. The tide is strong and the up and down currents occur, making it easy to descend and ascend freely. This site is best for advanced divers who can control themselves in the current.Japan

Block 24
16 Logged dives • 6 Sightings Another lovely shore dive with lots of fish life, it can also be done by a boat drop just 3 or 4-minutes (1km) from the resort, visibility is typically low at around 6m/20’ however excellent for searching for critters and can be dived 24-hours a day. This is best dived on an incoming tide. Enjoy!Fiji

52 Logged dives • 15 Sightings Northern side of the mercs, is exposed so southerly swell and wind, Cathedral bay itself is an awesome dive site for anyone, rocky reef surrounding the bay with a sandy bottom with broken kelpie reef all throughout in the middle. The pins and outer edges of cathedral have some wicked walls and boulder areas.New Zealand