The Most Ornate Looking Sharks

One of the rarest sharks to encounter, the wobbegong is found only in a small number of dive destinations around the world. Distributed in the shallow temperate and tropical waters of the western Pacific Ocean and eastern Indian Ocean, this unique looking shark is most commonly found around Australia and Indonesia. Wobbegong is the common name actually given to 12 different species of this shark, also known as “carpet sharks” because of the shaggy looking beards that grow around their mouths and the fact that they spend most of their lives laying still on the ocean’s floor.
He is far from the powerful, fear-inspiring, torpedo shaped image we have of most sharks. This ornate shark has a flat body that is well camouflaged with wide splotches of coloration to match the reef around it. Because they have the ability to pump water over their gills, they lack the need to swim continuously and, therefore, spend the majority of their lives laying still on the reef’s bottom. This sedentary lifestyle combined with their superbly camouflaged skin makes spotting them difficult, so when diving in these areas keep your eyes peeled! To find the best locations in the world to scuba dive with wobbegong sharks explore the map below.
Popular dive sites

Exmouth Navy Pier
338 Logged dives • 251 Sightings The Navy Pier is situated just 15 minutes outside Exmouth. It only can be accessed by granted company’s from the Australian Military as this is a base. ID must be shown before hand and fee payed to enter.Australia

Wobby Rock, Gneering Shoals
10 Logged dives • 7 Sightings A scattering of boulders appear to have formed a reef (tops with depth of approx 13 metres and a sea floor sitting between 15 and 18 metres). There are plenty of gaps and holes for marine life to hide, including a small cave.Australia

Fish Rock Cave
1107 Logged dives • 465 Sightings Fish Rock Cave is the only true ocean cave dive in Australia, running 125 meters right through Fish Rock. Fish Rock is in the path of the EAC (East Australian Current) which usually floods the site with warm clear water, bringing a huge variety of temperate and tropical marine species.Australia

Desoto Inlet
20 Logged dives • 6 Sightings Desoto Inlet is a shallow boat dive (6m – 16m) consisting of overhangs and large rocks. It gets its name from an Old Desoto motor vehicle driven off the cliff into the inlet. Desoto Inlet is on the southern side of the south point, about 80m long and 10m wide.Australia