Swimming Training for Freediving: 4 Techniques to Master

Swimming and freediving are closely linked, with swimming offering numerous benefits for freedivers, from enhanced endurance and breath control to mental conditioning. By integrating swimming into your training for freediving, you can significantly improve your freediving skills and performance. In this article, we explore the similarities between swimming and freediving and the top swimming techniques and drills to master.

Essential Swimming Training for Freediving

1.Kicking Techniques

In swimming, particularly in freestyle and breaststroke, the flutter kick and frog kick are the primary propulsion methods. These kicking techniques closely resemble those used in bi-fin and no-fins freediving.

The rhythmic, powerful leg movements in swimming help develop the muscle strength and endurance needed for effective kicking in freediving. 

Get started: Practice different types of kicks in the pool with different drills to refine the efficiency and power of your technique, making your freediving more effective.

2.Arm Strokes

When training for freediving regularly, even when practicing no-fins freediving, there is often limited opportunity to focus on arm strokes. The arm strokes used in swimming, especially in freestyle and breaststroke, serve as excellent foundational exercises for freediving.

Practicing swimming strokes in the pool helps you develop the upper body strength and coordination required for effective, long-lasting arm strokes in freediving. 

Get started: Incorporate different drills, including sculling, pull-board exercises, and varying speeds, to maximize your pool sessions.

READ MORE: Freediving Techniques: How to Improve Your Streamlining

3.Body Positioning

Maintaining a streamlined body position is important in both swimming and freediving. In swimming, a horizontal and streamlined posture minimizes drag, allowing for more efficient movement through the water.

This principle directly applies to freediving, where a streamlined position reduces resistance and conserves oxygen. This enables you to do longer breath-holds and move more efficiently through the water. 

Get started: Go swimming regularly to develop an awareness of your body position and streamlining. This will significantly improve your freediving performance.

4.Building Endurance and Breath Control

Swimming is also an excellent way to build the cardiovascular endurance and breath control needed for freediving. Regular swimming workouts improve your lung capacity, heart rate efficiency, and overall stamina. All of which are essential for extending your dive time.

Get started: Add swimming drills that mimic the idea of carbon dioxide tables into your training for freediving. This should enhance your ability to manage oxygen and carbon dioxide levels during freediving.

If you would like to improve your swimming skills or practice more freediving, contact your nearest SSI freediving center to check your options.