Instructor Training Center
Diving in Elba
Diving in Elba
Via del mare, 2, 57030, Procchio - Marciana
Diving in Elba was born on Elba Island 20 years ago. Now is one of the biggest dive center with 3 operation bases on the North coast of the island. We offer great deals in agreement with important tour operators. We can provide you a full included package with accommodation and dives.
We have 4 boats operating during the season. We can manage multiple dives per day with 14 divers on each boat.
Our 250 and 300 HP engines ensure you the possibility to get the best dive spots around Elba Island in a few minutes.
Our strategic position ensure the best dive spot on Elba. It takes only 5 minutes to get "Lo Scoglietto", protected no fishing area since 1971 and we are allowed to go to Pianosa Island, natural reserve of NATIONAL PARK from more then 100 years.
- Ecologie
- Formation aux secours
- Plongée en apnée (Freediving)
- Activité Sirène
- Plongée récréative
- Snorkel Diver
- Extended Range (XR)
Réparation / Maintenance
- Lest
- Ordinateur de plongée
- Combinaison étanche
- Vêtements néoprene
- Détendeurs
- Blocs
Autres activités
- Plongées en bateau
- Plongées handi
- Freediving
- Plongée du bord
- Plongées Extended Range
- Balade en Snorkeling
- Carte de crédit
- Carte de débit
- Paypal