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Portugal, with its extensive coastline along the Atlantic Ocean, offers some of the best div...
Scuba DivingTravel
Europe boasts some stunning dive sites, offering everything from dramatic underwater caves to vibrant coral...
Europe is one of the world’s most popular travel destinations, famous for its food, culture, architecture, ...
All divers and water-lovers enjoy the thrill of seeing sharks in the water... The increased heartbeat and t...
Whales are beautiful, elegant in the water, and intelligent in ways we do not even fully understand. To see...
Blue OceansEnvironment
Everybody loves a good scroll through Instagram. If you are a scuba diver, freediver, snorkeler, or simply ...
The summer may be winding down, but your diving activity does not have to. In most places around the world,...
scuba divingMyDiveGuideTravel
Scuba diving with sharks is an exhilarating and magical experience that you will remember forever. Whether ...
sharksBlue OceansEnvironmentMyDiveGuide
The seasons are changing around the world during May, offering the best dive conditions at some of the worl...
maldivesaustraliagreat barrier reeftravel tipsFrench PolynesiagalapagosomanFijidive travelTravelunited kingdom
For a dive trip with a difference, you cannot beat exploring the world’s lesser-known dive locations. Betwe...
dive destinationsBraziljapanNew ZealandSouth AfricaCambodiaKenyaTravelCanadaNamibiaTanzania
Gin-clear waters and abundant sharks have put Guadalupe firmly on the map as the world’s best place to go c...
Technical DivingEnvironmentGreat White Sharkshark divingdiving with sharksTravelMexico divingguadalupecage diving
If you are a fan of marine megafauna and sharks, diving in the Western Cape is for you. Located on the sou...
Scuba DivingsharksSouth AfricaEnvironmentshark divingshark ecologydiving with sharks
European Citizens' Initiative against shark finning SHARKPROJECT and many other NGOs support the demands o...
Scuba Divingoceanconservationenvironment
Swirling ocean currents support sharks as they descend into deep watersBlue sharks use large, swirling ocea...
environmentblue sharkEnvironment
WWF: Mediterranean is the most dangerous sea for sharks worldwideOver half of all shark and ray species liv...
South Africa: What are you doing? South Africa is blessed! There is hardly another country on Earth that...
oceanconservationfishingsharkssardine runenvironmentEnvironment
For the first time, researchers managed to capture three-dimensional images of an underwater canyon. The s...
underwaterdivingresearch3-DBay of Biscaycanyondatamappingmapsmarine imagingrobotWhittard CanyonEnvironment