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Istražite tečajeve za početnike do instruktora, događaje u zajednici i globalna ronilačka putovanja. Uronite u svijet otkrića i nezaboravnih iskustava uz naš SSI tečaj i kalendar događaja.
Pretražite lokator centra u svom području ili bilo gdje gdje želite putovati diljem svijeta i pronađite svog partnera po izboru. Pogledajte koja na ronilačka mjesta vode, provjerite njihov nadolazeći raspored obuke, putovanja i društvene događaje i još mnogo toga.
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Čekaju vas mnoge profesionalne razine ronjenja. Istražite svoje mogućnosti dok doživljavate novi životni stil i prilike za karijeru širom svijeta!
Napravite korisnički profil i dobit ćete trenutni pristup SSI-jevim besplatnim probnim programima, koristiti digitalni dnevnik s tisućama ronilačkih stranica diljem svijeta i još mnogo toga.
You have probably heard it many times before - diving is a relatively safe sport. However, not all diving c...
Scuba Diving
Boat diving offers a completely different experience to shore diving, allowing you access to more remote (a...
The weather affects your safety in the water in various ways. You cannot control it, but you can get prepar...
Scuba DivingEnvironment
Scuba diving in poor visibility can be challenging but also uniquely rewarding. Murky waters, strong curren...
Dive Gear, check! But what about your safety net? From BCDs to dive computers, most of us have our typical ...
SSI News
Your dive is booked, and your gear is ready, but before you plunge into the depths, have you checked your h...
Decompression sickness is something that every diver is aware of and hopes to avoid. Thankfully, there are ...
Scuba DivingTechnical Diving
In this digital age, keeping up with technology is a priority for SSI. Over the years, we have seen more an...
Some people are intrigued by the idea of taking up scuba diving but might have questions or worries that st...
Diving Talks - Portugal 2023 International Diving Show is a highly anticipated event for the global diving ...
Scuba DivingSSI News
There are so many amazing things to see underwater, and while a diving experience can be wonderful, memorie...
Scuba Divingunderwater photography
Summer is in full swing, and we want to make sure your scuba gear is ready for every underwater adventure t...
Scuba Divingdivingequipmentscuba geardiving equipmentdive gear
With its lush emerald islands, bucket-list pelagics and spectacular coral reefs, French Polynesia diving is...
Scuba DivingFrench PolynesiaMyDiveGuideTravel
Every diver learns about decompression sickness (often referred to as DCS or "the bends"). Besides running ...
Scuba DivingTechnical DivingDecompression SicknessThe bendsSafety stop
A world of underwater adventure awaits you as a newly-certified diver. Although you have some depth restric...
Caribbeanscuba divingMyDiveGuideTravelDive Trip
Discover the silence and freedom of rebreather diving without committing to a long course. Join SSI's new a...
Technical DivingXR programsXR divingSCR Divingsemi closed rebreatherrebreather divingTry SCR
Summer is well underway, making it the perfect time to gather your family and have some fun! Not sure where...
Familystart divingFamilyfamily-friendlySSI courses
Exploring the oceans as a newly certified diver is so exciting! Get the most out of your dives, be ready fo...
Scuba Divingsafetydive trainingstart divingdive safetynew diversdivers guidedive safety 101
Scuba diving is a safe fun sport filled with adventures you will never forget! Read on to discover more inc...
maldivesIndonesiasolomon islandsbelizeFamilyFijiFamilydive travelfamily travelfamily dive vacationfamily-friendly dive destinationsdive with your familymicronesiacorsica
Scuba diving is one of the greatest adventures of your life, but it can quickly be ruined by dive anxiety o...
Scuba Divingdive anxietymeditationreduce dive anxietytechniques
Little compares to the feeling you get when you introduce your child to the wonders of the underwater world...
Scuba Divingdive destinationsFamilyfamily travelfamily dive vacationfamily-friendlyfamily diving
Diving as a family is one of the most rewarding activities for any avid diver. Not only does scuba diving i...
FamilyFamilychilddive safedive safetywater safetyfamily divingdiving safety
SSI is excited to announce that it has updated the entire Classified Diving Program. These updates include ...
Scuba DivingdivingscubaSSIdive trainingClassified DivingOpen Water Diver