Ovaj program omogućuje djeci koja počinju u dobi od šest godina da urone pod vodu i isprobaju različite načine na koje mogu istraživati vodeni svijet oko sebe.
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Istražite tečajeve za početnike do instruktora, događaje u zajednici i globalna ronilačka putovanja. Uronite u svijet otkrića i nezaboravnih iskustava uz naš SSI tečaj i kalendar događaja.
Pretražite lokator centra u svom području ili bilo gdje gdje želite putovati diljem svijeta i pronađite svog partnera po izboru. Pogledajte koja na ronilačka mjesta vode, provjerite njihov nadolazeći raspored obuke, putovanja i društvene događaje i još mnogo toga.
Istražite tisuće provjerenih ronilačkih mjesta diljem svijeta: pogledajte koje životinje možete susresti na svakom mjestu, kakvi su uvjeti ronjenja i koji će vas centar za obuku tamo odvesti.
Pronađite svoje mjesto u SSl-ovoj globalnoj mreži putem baze podataka o poslovima - neprestano rastemo i imamo mnogo opcija za karijeru!
Stvorili smo jedinstvenu i sveobuhvatnu bazu podataka, povezujući lokacije za ronjenje i njihove potencijalne susrete s divljim životinjama sa SSI centrima za obuku širom svijeta. Provjerite i isplanirajte svoju sljedeću ronilačku avanturu virtualno!
Čekaju vas mnoge profesionalne razine ronjenja. Istražite svoje mogućnosti dok doživljavate novi životni stil i prilike za karijeru širom svijeta!
Napravite korisnički profil i dobit ćete trenutni pristup besplatnim probnim programima SSI-a, koristiti digitalni dnevnik s tisućama ronilačkih lokacija diljem svijeta i još mnogo toga.
Bora Bora, the "Pearl of the Pacific," is celebrated worldwide for its stunning blue lagoons, luxurious res...
Getting certified to dive opens up a world of adventure, allowing you to explore the beauty of underwater e...
Scuba Diving
Exciting news for 2025! SSI and Blue Oceans are joining forces with everwave, a pioneering impact company d...
The Maldives, known for its bright turquoise waters and postcard-worthy atolls, is a paradise for freediver...
Scuba diving for kids offers an incredible opportunity to learn about the underwater world firsthand, inspi...
Scuba DivingFamily
The start of a new year is the perfect time to reflect on the progress made in protecting our planet and to...
For experienced technical divers, ultra-deep technical dive sites offer unique challenges, and a chance to ...
Technical Diving
Lifeguarding is a rewarding profession that helps save lives. Lifeguards play a crucial role in maintaining...
Swim & Lifeguard
The ocean is not only a place of immense natural beauty, but it also plays a crucial role in maintaining li...
Scuba DivingEnvironment
As the northern hemisphere plunges into the colder months between October and March, many divers seek warme...
Scuba DivingTravel
Freediving is more than just a sport—it is an incredible journey that allows you to connect with the ocean ...
SECORE International’s Coral Seeding approach utilizes assisted reproduction, the breeding of corals, for r...
Freediving in cenotes offers an experience like no other. A cenote is a natural sinkhole filled with fresh ...
Puerto Rico, with its gorgeous, blue waters and thriving marine ecosystems, is a tropical paradise for scub...
The joy of moving underwater has long captivated freedivers, mermaids, and ocean lovers alike. There is a u...
MermaidSSI News
Starting scuba diving is an exciting adventure that can lead to incredible experiences. As a diver, you can...
Freediving is one of the most demanding aquatic sports, and it requires more than just technique and mental...
India’s far-flung Andaman Islands offer crystal-clear, blue waters that boast untouched coral reefs and div...
Scuba diving offers a sense of adventure and tranquility unlike anything else. Whether you are gliding over...
Prioritizing your children’s safety on family dive trips is crucial for ensuring a fun and memorable experi...
For freedivers, having strong lungs can significantly affect their ability to stay underwater longer, manag...
Choosing the right mermaid tail is essential for certified mermaids who want to maximize both performance a...
Few experiences in the underwater world rival the awe of encountering manta rays. These ocean giants glide ...
Freediving is an exhilarating sport that pushes both physical and mental limits, but it also comes with its...
The Similan Islands, part of Thailand’s Andaman Sea, offer some of the best diving experiences in Southeast...
Freediving is a unique sport that combines the joy of exploring underwater with the peace of breath-hold di...
Fiji is a diver’s paradise, famous for its vibrant marine life, dramatic underwater landscapes, and warm, f...
At Crystal Dive Koh Tao, we have been fortunate to certify over 100,000 divers during our 26 years of opera...
SSI News
Some of the best diving in the world forces you to truly embrace discomfort: I am talking cold weather, eve...
Some of the most extraordinary dives happen when you least expect them. You might witness something you nev...