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Pridruženi centar za obuku

Ronilačke lokacije u blizini


40 minuta od Gofe Juana, prekrasne stijene duboke između 4 i 12 metara s mnogo kamenih riba. Na jugu, s grebena je predaja čija je dubina duboka između 17 i 20 metara, dno se nalazi na 38 metara. Ovo mjesto nije zaštićeno pa vrijeme mora biti lijepo, a more mirno zaroniti ovdje.

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Grotte à Corail

40 minuta od Golfe Juana, ovo mjesto je zaštićeno od istoka Tradelièreom. Dno zida udaljeno je 38 metara. Na kraju dolazi velika struktura grebena koju su napali crveni gorgonijci. Idealno mjesto za početnike naprednim roniocima.

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La Petite Françoise

30 minuta vožnje brodom dovest će vas do ove stranice, koja je zapravo u dva dijela. Prvi je materijaliziran plutačom na zidu (9 do 42 m), a drugi dio materijalizira otok Tradelière, izvrstan za početnike (0 do 15 metara).

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Le Tombant du Vengeur

To the east of Ile Ste Margueritte, a 40-minute sail away, the site is marked by a mooring buoy reserved for diving centres. The plateau, at a depth of 7 metres, is split by the drop-off, which extends over several hundred metres.

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Le Vengeur

Middle of the vengeur’s drop-off this site has the same characteristics as those of the avenger’s drop-off. The tray breaks to fall up to 60 meters deep

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Le Vengeur 2

This site is located in the vicinity of the Vengeur drop off, 40 minutes’ sail from Golfe Juan. The drop off is several hundred metres long and the plateau, at 7 metres, plunges to a depth of 60 metres.

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Le Batéguier

Located to the west of the island of Sainte-Marguerite, the Bateguier is a drop-off ranging in depth from 3 to over 40 metres. Suitable for all levels of diver, you can try your hand at the rocks at the top of the drop-off (3-6m), as well as making some great exploration dives.

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Pierre Jaques

Beyond the Fourmigue, a site that starts at 15 metres and descends to 48 metres. A muted atmosphere where red gorgonians decorate the scattered rocks.

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Sec a Pierre

Na 35 minuta vožnje brodom od Golfe Juana prema jugozapadu Fourmiguea. Ova stranica nudi prekrasno ronjenje između 17 i 53 metra. Ova kap slijedi ogromnu visoravan Posidonije i na dnu grebena crtaju okomite površine u redovitim intervalima.

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To the south of La Fourmigue, 35 minutes from Golfe Juan, there is a sect whose top is 17m high, resting on a drop-off going down to a depth of 43m. This site requires some experience because of its starting depth.

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