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Létrehoztunk egy egyedülálló és átfogó adatbázist, amely összekapcsolja a búvárhelyeket és a lehetséges vadon élő állatokkal való találkozást az SSI Oktatási Központokkal világszerte. Nézd meg és tervezd meg a következő búvárkalandodat virtuálisan!
Számos búvárszakmai szint vár rád. Fedezd fel a lehetőségeidet, miközben megtapasztalhatod az új életstílust és a világméretű karrierlehetőségeket világszerte!
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Nestled in the pristine rivers of Kyoto is a creature that has fascinated biologists, conservationists, and...
Scuba DivingTravel
In this latest Edges of Earth update, the team take a deep dive into the world of mantas with The Manta Tru...
Scuba DivingSSI News
Marine Protected Areas safeguard a small percentage of the world’s marine areas; they are put in place to e...
Blue OceansEnvironment
Being in the water with manta rays is an incredible experience that most ocean-lovers dream of. There is no...
manta raysEnvironmentMyDiveGuidewildlife sightingswildlifeTravel
The Canary Islands are the home of the Angelshark, and if you want to meet this beautiful shark species, yo...
Scuba DivingconservationenvironmentLanzarotespecialcanary islandsangel shark
World Wildlife Conservation Day on December 4, 2019On the occasion of the World Wildlife Conservation Day...
Fishing in the Atlantic kills 25,000 endangered mako sharks each yearAgainst the capture of tens of thousan...
sharksfinningenvironmentshark protectionEnvironment
The scaly-foot snail occurs only in three places in the Indian OceanThe World Conservation Organization (IU...
Update to the Red ListThe largest extinction of species since the disappearance of dinosaurs continues. It ...
Experts demand strict protectionThe protection status of the inner Baltic Sea porpoises has recently not be...
oceanconservationharbour porpoisesenvironmentEnvironment
Updated IUCN Red List lists threatened sharks The Shark Specialist Group (SSG) of the World Conservation...
IUCNsharksenvironmentmakored listEnvironment
Call for global "UN-plastic convention"The United Nations (UN) dedicates the Day of Species Protection on 0...
microplasticplastic wasteenvironmentEnvironment
A unique project has its headquarters in Puerto Morelos: scientists, aquarists, local stakeholders and auth...
climate changeoceanconservationsexual coral restorationSECOREcoral reefs MexicoenvironmentspecialSSI News
Climate change may indeed cause the demise of many animal and plant species worldwide. This is the conclusi...
climate changeconservationecosystemendangeredIUCNenvironmentEnvironment