Menyelam di Goa

Goa is the smallest Indian state by area (and the fourth smallest in terms of population) but it is also the richest. It sits on the west coast of India on the Arabian Sea piece of the Indian Ocean. The area off the Goa coast features stunning pinnacles, picturesque coral gardens and a number of incredible shipwrecks to explore. In this area, Grande Island and Suzy’s Wreck are the two premier dive sites for visiting divers.

Out of the water, Goa offers everything vacationers could want from a tropical location. Goa hosts over two million tourists a year who are drawn to the area for its nightlife, culture, history and of course, it’s beautiful sunny beaches. It also features a range of Eastern and Western influences so it is a comfortable and hospitable destination for travelers from around the world.

Goa is also a great place to dive and see shipwrecks. Goa has been an important Indian trading port for hundreds of years and has seen many ships sink off its shores. Legend has it that there are over 600 shipwrecks around the area but most experts estimate it is less than 100. Either way, with ships from all over the world coming to Goa, many have encountered storms, hidden reefs, sandbars and other catastrophes which has led to remarkable dive sites.

Tempat-tempat pilihan untuk dikunjungi di Goa

Situs Menyelam di Goa

Temukan Keajaiban Laut Dalam dengan Blog SSI

Jelajahi Blog SSI , temukan keajaiban yang tersembunyi di balik ombak. Bergabunglah bersama kami dalam perjalanan eksplorasi dan pendidikan yang mengasyikkan sembari menyelami wawasan terkini, petualangan menyelam yang mendebarkan, dan upaya konservasi berdedikasi yang menerangi keindahan luar biasa dunia bawah laut. Siap membuat heboh? Mari selami bersama!

Uraian yang diberikan di sini dimaksudkan sebagai informasi umum dan pengalaman pribadi terkait lokasi dan lokasi penyelaman tertentu dan tidak boleh ditafsirkan sebagai saran atau rekomendasi yang definitif. Sebelum menyelam, harap konfirmasikan bahwa lokasi yang Anda pilih diizinkan untuk menyelam, dan patuhi semua undang-undang, peraturan, dan rambu yang dipasang di daerah setempat. Tanggung jawab untuk memverifikasi legalitas penyelaman dan menilai risiko terkait sepenuhnya berada di tangan anda.