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Dive sites nearby

Aumentos Pinnacle

The highest point of Aumentos Pinnacle is around 40 feet. The rock on the offshore side is a steep, granite wall that drops vertically to about 60 feet and then more slowly to 80 to 85 feet. The inshore side the reef drops off in steps to 50 to 55 feet and remains at this depth until one encounters Chase Reef.

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Otter Cove

Easy shore entry. Can get rough if the swell is coming from the wrong direction. Lots of kelp straight out from the beach. Easy navigation out and back, and once in the kelp it is nice to run along the edges.

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Lovers Point

Nice sand entry leading to a mostly protected dive site. Straight out from the beach, you will run across ridges of rock with plenty of fish life. To the north, you will see pinnacles. Depth is moderate for the whole site.

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Metridium Fields

Metridiums are pure white anemones that look like flowers on a stalk. The Metridium Field is a group of rocky outcroppings covered with Metridiums. Navigation is done by following a large pipe until it ends and then heading due north for a short distance will take you to the Metridium Field.

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San Carlos Beach

San Carlos offers an easy entry beach dive along with all the amenities including two dive shops within walking distance, plenty of parking, bathrooms, and showers.

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Breakwater Cove

The Breakwater is a very popular dive site for Open Water classes with its calm water, easy entry, and protection from ocean swell. It is a fairly short walk from your car to the water and there is a dive shop within walking distance for air fills.

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Monastery Beach

N. Monastery Beach. High sand dune, strong pounding waves, and loose gravel. Enter from the North side, stay on the outside of the wash rock, follow kelp outline and dive in about 30-40 feet of water. Take a 350 degree heading and arrive at the beginning of the trench. Follow the contour line at any depth.

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Point Lobos State Reserve

Bluefish Cove is the best area of Point Lobos to dive and is accessible either by a long swim from the ramp around the corner into the cove or by hoping on the once-a-month boat charter that will take divers straight to the cove to dive.

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Whaler’s Cove

Whaler’s Cove is the most popular dive location in Point Lobos, offering unbelievably rich and pristine walls, pinnacles, and kelp forests. The cove itself is only about 30 feet deep, making it a great spot for snorkeling and beginning divers.

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Bamboo Reef Pool

Heated, outdoor training pool at Bamboo Reef Dive Center in the SOMA district of San Francisco.One block from the Caltrain Station, and many other modes of transportation.584 4th St, San Francisco, CA 94107

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