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Dive sites nearby

MV Cominoland (Wreck)

Cominoland is one of three wrecks scuttled in Xatt l’Ahmar in the south of Gozo. It is an old excursion boat to Comino that was scuttled in August 2006 together with nearby Karwela wreck. Cominoland is 35m long and lies at 40m. It has two decks and offers lot to explore. For advanced divers.

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Xatt l’Ahmar Reef

Xatt l’Ahmar reef is a shallow reef near the drop off leading to the wrecks. It is a wall dive with the depth between 4 to 30 m. In the shallows you can find lots of colourful fish as well as seahorses. Going down the wall you’ll get to the huge boulders hiding slipper lobsters and giant scorpionfish. All levels.

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Hephaestus is an oil tanker that was scuttled to Xatt l-Ahmar on 29.8.2022 as an underwater attraction. This is a a shore/boat dive for experienced divers. Max depht 42m.

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Xatt I'Ahmar Bay

Xatt l’Ahmar or Red bay is an easy and shallow bay perfect for introduction dives, training dives and for less experienced divers. The depths vary between 3 m to 15 m on the outside above the fields of Posidonia. There is a shallow reef, a sandy bottom and huge boulders. Full of natural light and colours.

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Ras il-Hobz

Ras il Hobz or the “Middlefinger“ is one of most interesting dives in the south. It is a huge pinnacle going from 9 up to 40+ m. You can dive the pinnacle either from a wall or starting from a shallow bay. The dive site offers breathtaking views but one needs a good buoyancy skills to dive in the blue.

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Middle Finger

A rock needle that rises from the depths to about 16 m below the surface. Beautiful wall and an impressive view over the wall into the blue water.

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Ta Cenc

Ta Cenc is a small inlet neighboring with Mgarr ix-Xini Bay in the south. It is mostly a wall dive leading to some deeper boulders and a small cavern at the end. The shallow inlet is full of natural light and beautiful colors. The depths vary between 6m and 25m. Perfect for all levels.

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Mgarr ix-Xini

Mgarr Ix Xini is a shallow and easy bay in the south of Gozo. It’s perfect for training dives as well as night dives with maximum depth of 15m. There’s also a small and safe cavern perfect for those beginning their adventures with caves and caverns.

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P31 Wreck

The P31 Wreck is another dive site visited during the Full Day Boat Trip to Comino. It is a small patrol boat wreck between 11m and 20m, making it a perfect dive site for those beginning their adventure with wrecks. It is safe to penetrate as all dangerous parts have been removed.

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Hondoq Bay

Hondoq Bay is a shallow bay on the southeast of Gozo and is ideal for courses and introduction dives. A suitable dive for inexperienced divers. You will find a sandy bottom, water pipeline, and arches to the east. There is a hidden inlet with a small cave to the west. Depth ranges from 5 to 12m.

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