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Celebrated annually on April 22nd, Earth Day 2024 brings conservationists together to think up new ways to ...
Written by Annabel Kemp / Convex Seascape Survey. The ocean has long been a victim of climate change. But w...
2023 is here and you might be starting to think about your resolutions for this new year. If you are a scub...
Scuba DivingEnvironment
The new year is approaching and you are probably starting to think about your new year’s resolutions. But i...
Every diver cares about the environment in some way - a bold yet true statement! No matter what got you int...
sustainabilityEnvironmentEnvironmentally Conscious Diverenvironmentaleco diverecology diversustainable
New Greenpeace report calls for global action to save the oceansLarge parts of the oceans could soon fail i...
Researchers want to study mobile oxygen minimum zonesThe nets are in place: As part of the Helmholtz enviro...
environmentocean eddiesvortexEnvironment
New study reduces uncertainties in greenhouse gas emissionsMethane (CH4) is a powerful greenhouse gas that ...
climate changemethaneGreenhouse gasenvironmentEnvironment
Researchers studied natural gas leaks in the Mediterranean off ItalyThe storage of carbon dioxide in the se...
climate changeco2environmentEnvironment
Less photosynthesis due to rising water temperatures Practically all marine life depends on the producti...
climate changeAtlanticenvironmentPhtosynthesisspecialEnvironment
For the first time, researchers are measuring hydroxylamine in the open oceanWhen and where in nature, what...
researchclimate changeoceanenvironmentnitrous oxideEnvironment
Cold periods still take place in the deep PacificThe sea has a long memory. When the water in the deep Paci...
climate changeDeep Seapacific oceanenvironmentEnvironment
International researchers investigate gas emissions in Arctic Large quantities of the greenhouse gas metha...
researchoceanmethanecarbon dioxideenvironmentEnvironment
A unique project has its headquarters in Puerto Morelos: scientists, aquarists, local stakeholders and auth...
climate changeoceanconservationsexual coral restorationSECOREcoral reefs MexicoenvironmentspecialSSI News
Things don't look good for corals. With only a few truly healthy coral reefs left and forecasts not getting...
divingclimate changecoral reefssexual coral restorationcoral restorationSECOREenvironmentEnvironment
To safeguard the future survival of our planet and ocean, ambitious climate objectives and a reduction in g...
GEOMARecosystemsclimate changeoceanocean acidificationclimateDDKGerman Climate ConsortiumGerman Marine Research Consortiumgreenhouse gasesKDMenvironmentEnvironment
The rise of ocean temperatures in our oceans, caused by climate change, has in turn led to more rain, accor...
GEOMARclimate changeoceanocean temperatureenvironmentEnvironment