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Every year on June 8th, we celebrate World Ocean Day; A day dedicated to appreciating the many gifts that o...
Corals worldwide are turning white in response to the higher-than-average ocean temperatures this year. So ...
Celebrated annually on April 22nd, Earth Day 2024 brings conservationists together to think up new ways to ...
Written by Annabel Kemp / Convex Seascape Survey. The ocean has long been a victim of climate change. But w...
World Ocean Day takes place every year on June 8th. It is a day to appreciate all our ocean gives to us, to...
Coral is something that all divers love to see underwater. Coral reefs showcase all the colors of the rainb...
Coral reefs are not only beautiful, colorful, and fun to explore, they are extremely important to our plane...
environmentenvironment conservationBlue Oceans
As an ocean lover, you know that sharks often get a bad rap. They are largely misrepresented to the public ...
conservationsharksenvironmentenvironment conservationEnvironmentshark conservationsave sharks
New study on coral growth in times of climate changeCorals have been master builders of the seas for millio...
climate changecoralsenvironmentEnvironment
Cuttlefish are resistant to ocean acidificationCuttlefish will probably survive climate change and can thri...
Young fish show organ damage at high CO2 concentrationsAtlantic cod is one of the most important commercial...
climate changeoceanacidificationenvironmentEnvironment
Ocean acidification in the sea has an impact on the behaviour of cephalopods Blake Spady of the ARC Cent...
researchclimate changeoceanconservationenvironmentEnvironment
A unique project has its headquarters in Puerto Morelos: scientists, aquarists, local stakeholders and auth...
climate changeoceanconservationsexual coral restorationSECOREcoral reefs MexicoenvironmentspecialSSI News
New research has revealed the existence of vast fields comprising circular mounds in the north of the Great...
underwaterresearchreefgreat barrier reefbiohermenvironmentEnvironment
For the first time, scientists have proven that ocean acidification and rising sea temperatures adversely a...
GEOMARresearchocean acidificationEnvironment
CIESM Congress to convene in Germany for the first time As President of the Mediterranean Science Commis...
More funds to be allocated to oceanic research In the coming years, the focus of research will be on The...
NGOs call for more rigorous implementation of legislation Elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the atmos...
GEOMARresearchoceanacidificationBristol Universitycarbon dioxidered algaeUniversity of Western AustraliaenvironmentEnvironment
Climate change has affected many parts of the world, giving rise to ocean acidification in the oceans. Scie...
coralreefclimate changeocean acidificationecosystemHyperDiver SystemenvironmentEnvironment
To safeguard the future survival of our planet and ocean, ambitious climate objectives and a reduction in g...
GEOMARecosystemsclimate changeoceanocean acidificationclimateDDKGerman Climate ConsortiumGerman Marine Research Consortiumgreenhouse gasesKDMenvironmentEnvironment
When Ocean Acidification Intensifies, Which Species Will Be The Ultimate Survivor? What impact does ocea...
GEOMARresearchclimate changeocean acidificationenvironmentEnvironment