Ta program otrokom, starim vsaj šest let, omogoča, da se spustijo pod vodo in preizkusijo različne načine raziskovanja vodnega sveta okoli sebe.
Imamo vašo aplikacijo "vse v enem" za vse, kar se dogaja pod vodo! Digitalne certifikacijske kartice, učno gradivo, dnevnik in še veliko več. Zdaj si zagotovite brezplačno aplikacijo MySSI!
Raziščite tečaje za začetnike in inštruktorje, skupnostne dogodke in globalna potapljaška potovanja. Potopite se v svet odkritij in nepozabnih doživetij z našim tečajem SSI in koledarjem dogodkov.
V iskalniku centrov poiščite center v svojem kraju ali kjerkoli po svetu in poiščite partnerja po svoji izbiri. Oglejte si, katera potapljaška območja upravljajo, preverite njihov prihajajoči urnik usposabljanja, potovanja in družabne dogodke ter še veliko več.
Raziščite na tisoče preverjenih potapljaških lokacij po vsem svetu: preverite, katere živali lahko srečate na vsaki lokaciji, kakšni so pogoji za potapljanje in kateri center za usposabljanje vas bo tja pripeljal.
Svoje mesto v SSlovi globalni mreži poiščite v bazi podatkov o delovnih mestih - nenehno rastemo in za vas imamo veliko kariernih možnosti!
Ustvarili smo edinstveno in obsežno podatkovno zbirko, ki povezuje potapljaška mesta in njihova potencialna srečanja z divjimi živalmi s centri za usposabljanje SSI po vsem svetu. Oglejte si jo in virtualno načrtujte svojo naslednjo potapljaško pustolovščino!
Čakajo vas številne profesionalne ravni potapljanja. Raziščite svoje možnosti in spoznajte nov življenjski slog ter karierne priložnosti po vsem svetu!
Ustvarite uporabniški profil in dobili boste takojšen dostop do brezplačnih preizkusnih programov SSI, uporabljali boste digitalni dnevnik s tisoči potapljaških mest po vsem svetu in še veliko več.
You have probably heard it many times before - diving is a relatively safe sport. However, not all diving c...
Scuba Diving
Freediving is witnessing a surge in popularity, with more people exploring it as a new hobby. This not only...
"The ocean looks so different from when I first started diving". If you have met someone who has been in th...
Scuba DivingTravel
Not all of us are natural-born scuba divers or people of the ocean. Some of us struggle mentally with the i...
Are you ready to take your freediving skills to the next level? SSI is excited to introduce a new certifica...
Underwater videography opens up a world of creative and rewarding possibilities for scuba divers and f...
SSI is proud to announce two new unique specialties, "Coral Reef Restoration" and "Invasive Species Managem...
Top Scuba Jokes and Puns To Make Your Dive Buddy Laugh1.Why did the scuba diver cross the road? To get...
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the SSI Global Ambassador Program, featuring nine extraordinary i...
Scuba DivingFreedivingTechnical DivingSSI News
Cozumel’s Caribbean waters boast next-level visibility and vibrant blue hues, certainly in part due to the ...
SSI is rapidly growing and expanding, and with the current ‘We Want You’ promotion, we expect even more div...
Scuba DivingSSI News
Portugal, with its extensive coastline along the Atlantic Ocean, offers some of the best div...
California’s kelp forests are known for their jaw-dropping beauty and the incredible diving they offer. The...
Europe is one of the world’s most popular travel destinations, famous for its food, culture, architecture, ...
There is a debate among the water-loving community about which sport is more appealing: freediving or ...
FreedivingSSI News
Italy is world-renowned for its romantic atmosphere, rich history, and stunning landscapes… not to mention ...
When it comes to extreme diving in the USA, you might first think of ice diving in Alaska, the blackwa...
When you begin your journey as a recreational scuba diver, you are likely to hear some words and phrases yo...
It can be hard to find an activity that you and your teenagers can enjoy together, it can also sometimes be...
Scuba DivingFamily
Are you a freediver thinking of buying your very own set of fins? There are a few styles on the market, and...
The New Year is here, and you might be thinking of involving scuba diving in your plans or resolutions. If ...
Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and you might be racking your brain trying to come up with the perfect...
The new year is upon us, making it a great time to think about what you want to achieve this year as a scub...
As part of a project in collaboration with members of the Bundeswehr, we recently delved into the ther...
As we bid farewell to 2023, we at SSI want to wish you happy holidays and reflect on a year filled with rem...
SSI News
The amount of plastic in our oceans is concerning, and the problem is not going away on its own. As divers ...
Diving Talks - Portugal 2023 International Diving Show is a highly anticipated event for the global diving ...
August is a month filled with adventure and fantastic diving opportunities around the world. As the summer ...
The Gili Islands are a group of three small islands in Indonesia. Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air ar...