Ta program otrokom, starim vsaj šest let, omogoča, da se spustijo pod vodo in preizkusijo različne načine raziskovanja vodnega sveta okoli sebe.
Imamo vašo aplikacijo "vse v enem" za vse, kar se dogaja pod vodo! Digitalne certifikacijske kartice, učno gradivo, dnevnik in še veliko več. Zdaj si zagotovite brezplačno aplikacijo MySSI!
Raziščite tečaje za začetnike in inštruktorje, skupnostne dogodke in globalna potapljaška potovanja. Potopite se v svet odkritij in nepozabnih doživetij z našim tečajem SSI in koledarjem dogodkov.
V iskalniku centrov poiščite center v svojem kraju ali kjerkoli po svetu in poiščite partnerja po svoji izbiri. Oglejte si, katera potapljaška območja upravljajo, preverite njihov prihajajoči urnik usposabljanja, potovanja in družabne dogodke ter še veliko več.
Raziščite na tisoče preverjenih potapljaških lokacij po vsem svetu: preverite, katere živali lahko srečate na vsaki lokaciji, kakšni so pogoji za potapljanje in kateri center za usposabljanje vas bo tja pripeljal.
Svoje mesto v SSlovi globalni mreži poiščite v bazi podatkov o delovnih mestih - nenehno rastemo in za vas imamo veliko kariernih možnosti!
Ustvarili smo edinstveno in obsežno podatkovno zbirko, ki povezuje potapljaška mesta in njihova potencialna srečanja z divjimi živalmi s centri za usposabljanje SSI po vsem svetu. Oglejte si jo in virtualno načrtujte svojo naslednjo potapljaško pustolovščino!
Čakajo vas številne profesionalne ravni potapljanja. Raziščite svoje možnosti in spoznajte nov življenjski slog ter karierne priložnosti po vsem svetu!
Ustvarite uporabniški profil in dobili boste takojšen dostop do brezplačnih preizkusnih programov SSI, uporabljali boste digitalni dnevnik s tisoči potapljaških mest po vsem svetu in še veliko več.
Today we are going to talk about the benefits of flexibility exercises and yoga for freediving. Integrating...
California’s kelp forests are known for their jaw-dropping beauty and the incredible diving they offer. The...
Scuba DivingSSI News
Written by Elizabeth Langenberg. There was a time when this top diving destination seemed unreachable to mo...
As divers we should try to protect this beautiful blue planet that we call home in any way we can. Earth Da...
Buoyancy control can seem a little daunting when you first start out in scuba diving. You may look at your ...
Scuba Diving
Mermaids are the things of legends, mysticism, and beauty. Every little girl grows up dreaming of becoming ...
Proper buoyancy is essential for remaining safe underwater, and for diving with ease.Many divers learn how ...
scuba divingtips and tricks
Have you thought about becoming a real life mermaid? ( Or merman, of course).SSI offers a range of courses ...
According to a survey undertaken by the team at DIVEIN, almost 90 per cent of divers do not equalize the ri...
Scuba DivingspecialFreedivingtips and tricksdiving tips
Mermaid legends have been prevalent in cultures worldwide throughout history. Today, mermaid culture is pop...
MermaidMermaidingMermaid Training
Mermaiding has fast become a popular activity within the aquatic world, with mermaid events, meet-ups, fest...
If there is one thing all divers have in common, it is that they want to stay underwater as long as possibl...
Scuba Divingscuba divingbottom time
A dive mask can make or break an excellent dive. This window to the underwater world is an essential piece ...
Scuba DivingFamilyFamilyfamily travelkid-friendlychildjunior diver
Spring is in the air, the days are getting longer, and the northern hemisphere is coming to life after wint...
Scuba Divingscuba divingMyDiveGuideTravelDive TripApril
As the northern hemisphere heads into spring and more countries open up to tourists, March’s best div...
Scuba Divingscuba divingMyDiveGuideTravelDive Trip
A large majority of active divers live in areas where boat diving is not always available. And even if it i...
Scuba Divingdivingdiving educationshore divingadvanced divingdiving tipsdive gear
Learning to freedive is an adventure that takes you beyond your limits into a peaceful blue world. It is a ...
FreedivingSSI Freedivingfreediving coursesstart freedive10 best freediving courses
You may have the training and the tail, but no mermaid transformation is complete without the proper makeup...
MermaidMermaidmermaid makeupmakeup
Many areas are starting to lift their stay-at-home orders but travel is still widely restricted. If any goo...
Scuba Divingdivingice divingcold water divingtips and tricksdry suitdiving equipment
MermaidMermaidMermaid TrainingMermanMonofin
As the world slowly starts to open back up from our seemingly endless Covid-19 lockdown, what better way to...
Scuba DivingdivingboatSSIdive trainingliveaboardboat divingtips and tricks
With accessible locations like the Caribbean, Red Sea, and the Great Barrier Reef, great diving is possible...
Scuba DivingdivingliveaboardSSI Newsdive travelboat divingtips and tricksliveaboard dive trips
Whether you’re new to liveaboard diving or a seasoned cruiser, the last thing you want is a packing disaste...
liveaboardspecialliveaboard holidaytipsSSI News