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Пронађите своје место у ССл-овој глобалној мрежи преко базе података о пословима - ми стално растемо и имамо много опција за каријеру за вас!
Kreirali smo jedinstvenu i sveobuhvatnu bazu podataka, povezujući Dive Sites i njihove potencijalne Susrete sa divljim životinjama sa SSI centrima za obuku širom sveta. Proverite i isplanirajte svoju sledeću ronilačka avanturu virtuelno!
Čeka vas mnogo ronilačkih profesionalnih nivoa. Istražite svoje opcije dok doživljavate novi način života i svetske mogućnosti za karijeru širom sveta!
Направите кориснички профил и одмах ћете добити приступ бесплатним пробним програмима ССИ, користити дигитални дневник са хиљадама ронилачких локација широм света и још много тога.
With its rugged coastline and rich marine heritage, Scotland offers a unique and adventurous scuba diving e...
Scuba DivingTravel
Diving is an incredibly fun activity that can become very addictive. But consistent time in the sun and sal...
Scuba DivingEnvironment
The New Year is here, and you might be thinking of involving scuba diving in your plans or resolutions. If ...
Scuba Diving
From some of the best food we have ever had in our lives, to riding the escalators through the famed Mid-Le...
Scuba DivingSSI NewsTravel
The new year is upon us, making it a great time to think about what you want to achieve this year as a scub...
The New Year is here! Start 2024 right by ticking some of the world’s top dive spots off your diving bucket...
It’s a new year, and the best way to start the year out right is in the water! Depending on where in the wo...
Scuba DivingTravelJanuary
2023 is here and you might be starting to think about your resolutions for this new year. If you are a scub...
The new year is approaching and you are probably starting to think about your new year’s resolutions. But i...
As we wrap up 2022 and prepare to ring in the New Year, reflecting on the past 12 months is always good pra...
SSI News
Do you shiver while diving in certain coldwater spots? …It might be time to invest in a drysuit! Providing ...
Extended RangeTechnical Divingdry suit
It is the start of a new year and the perfect time to pack your bags and explore the world. Whether you wan...
Scuba DivingMyDiveGuideTravelJanuaryNew YearBest Dives
First dive to the wreck on "Oman Explorers" New Year's Eve trip The British Cargo Steamer "City of Winchest...
caves and wrecksomancity of winchesterTechnical Diving
More funds to be allocated to oceanic research In the coming years, the focus of research will be on The...