Овај програм омогућава деци од шест година да иду под воду и пробају различите начине на које могу да истражују водени свет око себе.
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Претражите локатор центра у вашој области или било где где желите да путујете широм света и пронађите партнера по избору. Погледајте која ронилачка места раде, проверите њихов предстојећи распоред тренинга, путовања и друштвене догађаје и још много тога.
Истражите хиљаде верификованих локација за роњење широм света: погледајте које животиње можете да сретнете на свакој локацији, какви су услови за роњење и који центар за обуку ће вас тамо одвести.
Пронађите своје место у ССл-овој глобалној мрежи преко базе података о пословима - ми стално растемо и имамо много опција за каријеру за вас!
Kreirali smo jedinstvenu i sveobuhvatnu bazu podataka, povezujući Dive Sites i njihove potencijalne Susrete sa divljim životinjama sa SSI centrima za obuku širom sveta. Proverite i isplanirajte svoju sledeću ronilačka avanturu virtuelno!
Čeka vas mnogo ronilačkih profesionalnih nivoa. Istražite svoje opcije dok doživljavate novi način života i svetske mogućnosti za karijeru širom sveta!
Направите кориснички профил и одмах ћете добити приступ бесплатним пробним програмима ССИ, користити дигитални дневник са хиљадама ронилачких локација широм света и још много тога.
Standing on the shores of Kea, gazing out over the Aegean Sea, it’s hard not to be transported back in time...
Technical Diving
The SSI Recreational Sidemount Specialty is an exciting program designed for people who want to try sidemou...
Extended Range
If you are interested in exploring the world of deep diving, becoming an SSI Deep Diver might be just what ...
When you begin your journey as a recreational scuba diver, you are likely to hear some words and phrases yo...
Scuba Diving
For divers looking to explore the depths of the ocean, the right equipment can make all the difference. In ...
Extended Range diving is a high-risk activity that requires a thorough understanding of the various gases u...
Buoyancy control can seem a little daunting when you first start out in scuba diving. You may look at your ...
Proper buoyancy is essential for remaining safe underwater, and for diving with ease.Many divers learn how ...
scuba divingtips and tricks
If there is one thing all divers have in common, it is that they want to stay underwater as long as possibl...
Scuba Divingscuba divingbottom time
A large majority of active divers live in areas where boat diving is not always available. And even if it i...
Scuba Divingdivingdiving educationshore divingadvanced divingdiving tipsdive gear
Scuba diving is a dynamic activity that requires divers to constantly react to changes in their environment...
XRExtended RangeskillsTechnical Divingdecompression divingTTStime-to-surface
Learning to scuba dive is one of the most rewarding adventures of your lifetime. As a new diver, you are in...
Scuba Divingstart divingequipmentscuba gearscuba gear essentialsdiving equipmentnew divers
There are two types of surface marker buoy that are commonly used by divers, surface marker buoys (SMBs) an...
Scuba DivingTechnical Divingequipmentsurface marker buoySMBDSMBbuoysurface markerscuba gearscuba gear essentialsdiving equipment
SSI launches a new Decompression Diving Specialty for recreational divers to get a taste of what decompress...
Scuba DivingExtended Rangescuba divingTechnical Divingdecompression divingrecreational divingnew programssi program
Many areas are starting to lift their stay-at-home orders but travel is still widely restricted. If any goo...
Scuba Divingdivingice divingcold water divingtips and tricksdry suitdiving equipment
Curious about rebreather diving but unsure know where to start? Dive into the world of rebreathers with thi...
Extended RangeTechnical DivingXR programsSCRSCR DivingSemiclosed Rebreatherrebreather diving
SSI is very happy to announce that they have now added the Scuba Force SF2 backmount closed-circuit rebreat...
Scuba DivingCCRExtended RangerebreatherTechnical DivingSSI NewsScuba ForceSF2rebreather diving
Diving changes lives. It is one of those activities where its transformative power can be seen applied to b...
Scuba DivingdivingSSIbeginneryoung diverMikkel Tybjerg
Wreckdiving: SS Empire HeritageThe deep crystal-clear waters off Malin Head in Ireland were once a navigati...
Irelandcaves and wrecksgreat britainTechnical Diving
More than one ton of fishing nets have been recovered near Sylt in the North Sea by divers from Ghost Fishi...
conservationfishingplasticGreenpeaceghost netsnetsenvironmentEnvironment