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Пронађите своје место у ССл-овој глобалној мрежи преко базе података о пословима - ми стално растемо и имамо много опција за каријеру за вас!
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Čeka vas mnogo ronilačkih profesionalnih nivoa. Istražite svoje opcije dok doživljavate novi način života i svetske mogućnosti za karijeru širom sveta!
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Welcome to our special feature on Ethan Evans, a remarkable young diver who made a big splash in the diving...
Scuba Diving
Liveaboard diving offers the opportunity to explore the most remote and untouched reefs around the globe. U...
On April 20, 2024, Curacao is set to make a splash in the Guinness World Records, but not in the way you mi...
Scuba DivingSSI News
One of the key things you are taught when you learn to freedive is how to duck dive. The duck dive is how w...
British freediver David Mellor has achieved more in his sixtieth year than most do in a lifetime. This year...
Diving Talks - Portugal 2023 International Diving Show is a highly anticipated event for the global diving ...
Bioluminescence is light that is created and emitted by living organisms. It is useful to a multitude of cr...
Blue OceansEnvironment
Did you know that the world record for the longest static breath-hold is over 11 minutes long?A breath-hold...
HistoryOpen-circuit sidemount diving has seen a large growth over the last few years. The demand for sidemo...
Technical Diving
Have you ever watched a freediver dive under the water? They look so relaxed, and they move with such elega...
It is hard to wipe the smile off your face after an amazing day of freediving. The sensation of a nice brea...
Freedivingindoor divingindoor poolEurope
Learning to freedive is an adventure that takes you beyond your limits into a peaceful blue world. It is a ...
FreedivingSSI Freedivingfreediving coursesstart freedive10 best freediving courses
There are people who dive hundreds of feet, deep and over ten minutes with just one breath. Nik Linder is s...
Smile, drink, perform: 26,350 meters to go24 kilometres without fins and of course without a breathing devi...
divingworld recordapneaFreediving
Egyptian diver Wael Omar is thinking big. Not only does he want to break the current world record for the d...
divingWael Omarworld recordSSI News
Dolphins Can Empty Their Lungs In Milliseconds A new study has proved that dolphins are world champions ...