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Freediving is witnessing a surge in popularity, with more people exploring it as a new hobby. This not only...
Freediving is a unique underwater activity that requires specialized equipment, especially when it comes to...
Your dive is booked, and your gear is ready, but before you plunge into the depths, have you checked your h...
Scuba Diving
Many people who have never tried freediving think it is a dangerous activity. But statistically, freediving...
Freediving, with its active and exciting nature, allows you to explore the depths of the underwater world i...
Although CGI can be used to create incredible special effects in movies, stunt performers still play an imp...
Earning the rating of SSI Master Diver is the pinnacle of recreational scuba diving. It makes you a better,...
Scuba DivingSSImaster diverdive trainingSSI NewsRecognition LevelRecognition
Diving as a family is one of the most rewarding activities for any avid diver. Not only does scuba diving i...
FamilyFamilychilddive safedive safetywater safetyfamily divingdiving safety
The United Kingdom - various opportunities for sea diving Summertime has finally arrived in the northern h...
Scuba DivingdivingoceandivessiSSIsea survivalRNLIUK divinglife boatSSI coursediving educationsurvive at seabeginner