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For divers looking to explore the depths of the ocean, the right equipment can make all the difference. In ...
Technical Diving
Closed-circuit rebreather (CCR) diving in Jordan became officially legal in 2022.SSI has celebrated this mi...
scuba divingSSI NewsMyDiveGuideJordanaquaba
In late 2019, Hollis Rebreathers announced that its Prism 2 Rebreather has received CE approval and will no...
CCRrebreatherTechnical DivingCCR Diving
Discover the silence and freedom of rebreather diving without committing to a long course. Join SSI's new a...
Technical DivingXR programsXR divingSCR Divingsemi closed rebreatherrebreather divingTry SCR
The decades of expertise behind Mares and rEvo rebreathers have combined to create a unique semi-closed reb...
XRTechnical DivingSCRSCR Divingsemi closed rebreather
In this blog, we look at the components of stage bottle rigging and how to set up a stage bottle for open c...
XRExtended RangeTechnical DivingXR divingEquipment Techniquesstage cylinderriggingdecompression divingdiving equipment
Curious about rebreather diving but unsure know where to start? Dive into the world of rebreathers with thi...
Extended RangeTechnical DivingXR programsSCRSCR DivingSemiclosed Rebreatherrebreather diving
SSI XR training programs offer an exciting pathway for all divers to extend their range of skills and knowl...
XRCCRExtended Rangedive trainingTechnical DivingSCRXR divingdecompression diving
SSI, Scuba Schools International, turns 50 years old in 2020. To celebrate this special anniversary, SSI ha...
Scuba DivingSSISSI NewsMyDiveGuide50 years50 anniversaryanniversary program
SSI is very happy to announce that they have now added the JJ CCR closed-circuit rebreather to the list of ...
CCRExtended RangerebreatherTechnical DivingJJ
SSI is very happy to announce that they have now added the Scuba Force SF2 backmount closed-circuit rebreat...
Scuba DivingCCRExtended RangerebreatherTechnical DivingSSI NewsScuba ForceSF2rebreather diving