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Dive sites nearby

Kashi Maru (Wreck)

This Japanese freighter was caught by USAF bombers on 2 July 1943 while unloading a cargo of trucks and fuel to nearby troops based on New Georgia Island. She lies at 17m in Bairoko Harbour, a 45 minutes boat ride from Munda. Her artifact-fille hold is easily accessible to all levels of divers.

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Lighthouse Point

Lighthouse Point is a wall dive which is lined with cuts, cracks and crevices, giving it a very unique underwater topography. Looking up to see the sun rays filtering through the cracks above is quite a unique and phenomenal experience. Located near the town of Noro, this site is 35 minutes from the shop.

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Dream Island

Near Kolombangara is a reef with the most spectacular variety of hard and soft corals across the top. Dream Island is a gentle reef slope, and is located about 45 minutes by boat.

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Mitsubishi A6M Zero (Wreck)

This Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero is intact and lies at a depth of 17m on a black sandy bottom. Located approximately 45 minutes from the dive shop, this aircraft wreck is home to a huge array of marine life and is an amazing site to explore.

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Vought F4U Corsair (Wreck)

This Corsair lies in about 8m of water in a silty bottom just a few hundred meters out from the dive shop. Visibility can be challenging depending on tides and wind so early in the morning is the best time to explore this fully intact wreck.

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Mitsubishi G3M ’Nell’ (Wreck)

This Mitsubishi G3M “Nell“ bomber is only 5 mins from the dive shop. The plane lies in only 6m of water and remains mostly intact, so makes for a fascinating dive or snorkel for wreck enthusiasts.

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Castaway Island

This dive site is used as a confined water training site at Castaway (Hombupeka) Island. It is a gentle, sandy slope with some small reefs. The site is only two minutes from the dive shop with a maximum depth of 5m.

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Lola Island

Lola Island is the perfect confined water dive site located at Zipolo Habu Resort. This site is a gentle, sandy slope located inside of the Vona Vona Lagoon, with a maximum depth of 5m. It is often used for confined water training sessions.

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Aichi D3A ’Val’ (Wreck)

This site is a fully intact Aichi D3A “Val“ dive bomber wreck. The aircraft rests upside down, at a depth of 10-15m. As well as being a fascinating wreck to explore, the Val is home to a whole host of interesting critters, such as shrimp and lionfish.

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Sasavele Dump Site

A WWII dump site featuring giant steel pontoons of a former US Navy base scuttled at the end of the occupation. Assorted machinery of the war and a quantity of live ordinance scattered about the sloping wall that drops to 40m. A history enthusiast dive site 15 minutes from Munda.

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