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Dive sites nearby

Dream Island

Near Kolombangara is a reef with the most spectacular variety of hard and soft corals across the top. Dream Island is a gentle reef slope, and is located about 45 minutes by boat.

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Lighthouse Point

Lighthouse Point is a wall dive which is lined with cuts, cracks and crevices, giving it a very unique underwater topography. Looking up to see the sun rays filtering through the cracks above is quite a unique and phenomenal experience. Located near the town of Noro, this site is 35 minutes from the shop.

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F4F Wildcat and Alice in Wonderland (Wreck)

This Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat fighter plane rests in 14m on a spectacular coral reef named Alice in Wonderland. The plane lies upside down and bears the marks of shrapnel and AA gunfire prior to being shot down. We explore the wreck for 10-15 minutes then slowly work our way along the gently sloping reef.

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Kashi Maru (Wreck)

This Japanese freighter was caught by USAF bombers on 2 July 1943 while unloading a cargo of trucks and fuel to nearby troops based on New Georgia Island. She lies at 17m in Bairoko Harbour, a 45 minutes boat ride from Munda. Her artifact-fille hold is easily accessible to all levels of divers.

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Lola Island

Lola Island is the perfect confined water dive site located at Zipolo Habu Resort. This site is a gentle, sandy slope located inside of the Vona Vona Lagoon, with a maximum depth of 5m. It is often used for confined water training sessions.

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Marlon’s Crack

Discovered by the well known Melbourne based freediver Marlon Quinn from Watermaarq, Marlon’s Crack is abundant with hard corals and reef fish. Crevices and caves run deep into the wall providing spectacular swim-throughs for freedivers, snorkelers, and divers.

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Mbigo Mbigo

So good they named it twice! This site is a 45-minute boat ride with a spectacular reef featuring gullies and canyons among the coral. This site is also interesting for snorkelers as the reef formations in the first 10m are out of this world. Divers drop down to 25m and follow the wall for plenty of pelagics.

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Koviki Corsair (Wreck)

This F4U-1 Corsair rests on the pristine white sand at 53 meters. It is fully intact with minimal coral growth due to the depth of the water. Forty to fifty-meter visibility is common, making this a phenomenal photographic subject. The dive is ended on a gentle, sloping reef.

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Kuabs is a spectacular dive site, with hard coral diversity and colors out of this world! This is a sloping reef wall, located approximately 20 minutes from the dive shop.

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Munda Bar

Munda Bar is a gentle reef slope with lots of healthy hard and soft corals all along the wall. Located only 15 minutes from the dive shop, it is a beautiful, relaxed dive.

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