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Dive sites nearby

Pierre aux Corbs

The Pierre aux Corbs, located on the island of Pomègue in the Frioul archipelago, is a dive site renowned for its imposing boulders. Accessible to intermediate to advanced divers, the site lies at depths of between 5 and 22 meters.

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Cap Caveau

Well protected cove during the great Mistral, it begins with 2 small pools then a plateau which descends slightly. On the right side when you look at the sea of scree with a drop off a little further away. On the other side there is a rocky projection with a hole submerged in the rock. ​

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Cap Marley

Cap Marley is an exceptional dive site that attracts divers of all levels. The site offers depths ranging from 5 to 40 meters, allowing for varied exploration. Divers can discover striking rock formations and fascinating underwater caves.

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Tiboulene du Frioul

This site is made up of 2 islets to the northwest of Frioul, with a rocky plateau below the anchorage descending gradually to 15m, then a drop-off to 35m.

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Pierre percée

Located on the northern part of the island of Ratonneau, this very sheltered cove has a hole in the rock that looks like an elephant’s eye and trunk.A few cormorants also nest here in the cliffs.In the water, a small drop-off on the other side of the eye with a small piton at the foot of the trunk.

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Calanque de Ratonneau

The Calanque of Ratonneau is a snorkeling and diving site suitable for beginners who want to learn in peace and quiet... You’ll discover a small tunnel through a rock...

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Tiboulen de Maire

To the west of Tiboulen de Maïre, a cove sheltered from the easterly wind. A drop-off of up to 25 metres with boulders between 16 and 20 metres and a tunnel accessible only in calm seas between 8 and 4 metres.

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grotte à corail

Situated to the south-west of Île Maïre, the cave has two main entrances at depths of between 12 and 9 metres, followed by a gentle drop to a depth of 25 metres.

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Les Fromages

The Fromages dive site, located near the island of Tiboulen de Maïre off Marseille, is famous for its rock formations in the shape of cheese wheels. The site is open to divers of all levels, from beginner to advanced, and lies at depths of between 7 and 22 metres.

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Les Pharillons

The Pharillons are located at the southern tip of Maïre Island, they are two rocks. A beautiful drop off with two main arches and other smaller ones.

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.