Dive sites nearby

Wissenkerke Westnol

Westnol is a dive site that is only accessible at low tide, it is not an easy place where the current can be quite strong and the risk of poor visibility is considerable. Due to the presence of shallow oyster banks, for the west side of the nol, it is good to make a dive plan.

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Wissenkerke Oostnol

From the parking lot walk far to the point of the breakwater, enter the water there and swim out in the extension of the nol. Then turn right, towards north, northeast to then slowly become shallower again and leave the water again at the point of the nol. It is recommended to dive here at low tide.

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It is best to dive here at low tide, then you can cross the old harbour mouth on foot. From there you walk to the corner and enter the water at the first breakwater. You can go straight ahead here and make a loop to the left. Especially after decanting you have a strong current that carries you through the bowl of

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Roompot is located close to the storm surge barrier, which has consequences for the current. Do not enter the water too early here, this is detrimental to visibility and current. The best time to dive here is at low tide. The wall runs to a depth of about 20m, more to the eastern side the bottom changes into sand.

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Koningsheim is a shallow place, where you can enter the water at each of the two breakwaters. In front of the right-hand breakwater there is a well up to 35 metres, here the bottom slopes steeply downwards. The current can be quite strong here. You can only dive here at high tide.

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Haventje Geersdijk

This spot is a great place to dive if you don’t feel like going to crowded spots. The dike goes over into a small reef that slowly slopes down to about 15 meters.

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Colijnsplaat Oostnol

To enter the water, cross the dike and walk to the point of the pier. There you enter the water. From the pier you can swim straight out to the shore. Apart from that, not much is known about the dive site. Given its location, the site is very sensitive to bad weather, which affects visibility.

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Oude veersedijk Wolphaartsdijk

After the installation of a sluice in the Zandkreekdam, the Veerse Meer has become more and more beautiful and this spot is one of the highlights. Enjoy the wall, bottom, anchor and poles.

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The west end is a former dive site which is most western site on the Schouwen-Duiveland side of the Eastern Scheldt. The site is within the security area of the Oosterscheldekering which means diving is prohibited without the approval of the Rijkswaterstaat.

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This is the most westerly spot after the Oosterscheldekering, the current is strong here and it is advisable to only dive here with Oosterschelde experience and at a low tide.

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