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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby


On the southwest tip of Maratua Atoll is this ideal dive site for all macro lovers. The Top of the reef is located at a depth of 5 - 10 meters.

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Ujung Karang Tinggi

15 minutes from Nunukan Islands is this beautiful dive site. The reef starts with a gentle slope, which then turns into a steep wall. It is a wonderful place for macros.

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Located 20 minutes from Nunukan Islands on the southwest side of Maratua Atoll is this dive site. Gently sloping reef with shallow sandy bottom at 12 meters. Best dived at high tide.

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Lighthouse Virgin Cocoa Islands

The coral reef top is at 5-10m. At about 10m depth begins the steep wall, which descends to a sandy bottom at 70 meters. There are some overhangs in the wall.

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Staffhouse Bakungan

Located 5 minutes from Nunukan Islands off Virgin Cocoa Islands. Current wise calmest dive site in the atoll. Nice place for snorkeling. The many macro life forms make this shallow dive an experience as well.

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Ujung Nunukan

Southwest off Nunukan Islands (30 minutes from Nabucco Islands) there is a sandy plateau at the foot of a steep wall at 30 meters. Between Ujung Nunukan and Pandoga Point we sunk our former house reef boat. It lies on 16 - 21 meters.

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Pandoga Point

Southwest of Nunukan Islands (35 minutes from Nabucco Islands) is a wall up to 35 meters, which has many craters and overhangs. At the foot of the wall follows a sandy plateau.

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Sea Fan City

Just off Nunukan Islands (30 minutes from Nabucco Islands) you will find this colorful wall. This dive site is famous for its scorpion fish and stone fish.

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Nunukan Express

Located directly in front of Nunukan Islands. Here very strong currents can occur, which offers a good chance to meet large schools of fish. At about 30 meters there is a small cave, which is covered with beautiful corals. At the end of the dive there is a sandy slope.

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East Wall

This dive site is located 17 minutes from Nabucco Islands and 13 minutes from Nunukan Islands on the east side of the reef. Steep, long wall to 30 - 35 meters then sandy slope. Dive with the left shoulder to the wall.

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