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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Northern Arch

Northern Arch is a renowned site that often has large pelagic species. The Arch is deep and bottoms out at over 30m, there is interesting structure on either side of the Arch and the Northern side of the Arch keeps sloping away.

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Wild Beast Point

Wild Beast Point is an exposed point at the northern tip of the islands. The site drops off to 40m, with colourful walls and other schooling fish. There is often strong current at this dive site.

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Barren Arch

Located on the seaward side of the islands near the northern end of Tawhiti Rahi. This site can be dived in many different ways. The shallower entrance is close to the enclosed back and has a shallow underwater reef lip at 2/3m. Depth ranges 10m down to 35m the entrance is made up of large kelp covered boulders.

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Cleanerfish Bay

A great shallow bottomed bay with a wraparound wall leading to a small cave and a boulder strewn slope leading to deeper depths for those who are qualified. Massive boulders hide crays and scorpionfish while there is a small cave around the point popular with stingrays.

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Cave Bay

This is a great site with depth ranges to suit all ability of diver, from beginner to tech and all the levels in between. Big boulders, kelpy and depth if you look for it. Eastward side of the Poor Knights Islands which doesn’t great visited as often as we would like due to the easterly sea conditions.

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Middle Arch

Middle Arch is one of the best sites for diving at the Poor Knights. The Arch bottoms out at 18m and slopes down to 30m+ on both the North and South ends of the Arch. There is also an interesting cave with an air pocket near the Southwestern entrance to the Arch.

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Hope Point

Stunning walls and pinnacle with depths beyond 50m for those trained to explore. A Kelpy encrusted reef closer to the surface and plenty to see for those staying shallow. As it is on the eastern side of the islands it isn’t often dived, so go if you can.

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Taravana Cave

A wall dive to 30m + on the outside of the cave leading to Mao Mao Arch. The cave mouth is large and at the sand line. Only qualified cave divers should enter beyond the light zone. Inside the cave mouth is covered in very cool growth. Outside is a great place to look for nudibranchs and Splendid Perch.

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Landing Bay Pinnacle & Teravana Cave

Pinnacle sea mount that attracts lots off fish life. Pinnacle rises to a depth of around 5 meters, but dives to 40+ meters can be made here. Dive site is better for advanced and expert divers.

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Maomao Arch

This arch takes a diver from the western side of the island to the eastern side. Walls outside the arch reach depth of 30m, while the inside of the arch shallows up to just 5m. On the eastern side to the right there is a group of large boulders and a small cave at around 20m.

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