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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Badesee Tannenhausen Seeterrassen

The swimming lake offers several entry points for a dive, and registration is NOT required. Important note: Do not dive below or even in the area of the lifts at the Northbound wakeboard facility during operating hours!

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Banter See

The Banter See is a large rectangular 22m deep sailing, diving, surfing and swimming lake. Separated from the North Sea by the Grodendamm embankment, the lake still has a slight salt content today. Ruins, the bow of a harbor barge and blown-up quays can be found on site due to the war.

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The Veenmeer and diving lake in Tynarlo/Holland is located on its own campsite. Perfectly suited for practice dives, also for children’s dives and often has reasonable visibility.

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Gasselterveld is a beautifully located dive site in Drenthe. It is a deep lake with clear water and fine sand. There are no fish, but you dive in a beautiful environment with good visibility and a nice sloping bottom.

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Blankenburger See (Oldenburg)

The Blankenburg Lake, known to divers as “Blanki“, is a 21.5 hectare large and 16m deep rectangular quarry lake. Excavated for highway construction, the lake is now known as a fishing, diving and swimming lake. One of the entrances can be reached on the north bank from the parking lot via a trail.

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Near the border with Ter Apel (Groningen, Netherlands) lies Dankern. A lake with light blue water and a nice underwater park. Not much life, but the visibility and the nice objects makes up for this.

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Zwembad de Peppel

Zwembad de Peppel is a swimming pool in Ede. It consists of a competition pool, reactive section with (tyre) gybes and an outdoor pool for the summer season.

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The Bosbad in Hoogersmilde is a huge open air swimming pool. Go on a discovery tour, are you the diver who can find the deepest point? Be careful and don’t pass the zero time!

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Blauwe meer

The Blue Lake is a sand quarry used for the limestone factory ad lies in a nature reserve Leggelerveld. The name probably comes from the special color of the water in the lake.

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Vijver Flecher Hotel

The pond at the Fletcher hotel is a small pond for beginning divers and training with the car in the water. The water is filtered so the visibility is quite ok.

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