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Čekaju vas mnoge profesionalne razine ronjenja. Istražite svoje mogućnosti dok doživljavate novi životni stil i prilike za karijeru širom svijeta!
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Does the idea of shivering your way through a dive make you want to stay on dry land? If you want to try co...
Scuba DivingTechnical Diving
If you are looking for a sign to take on the challenge of ice diving, here it is! There is no time like the...
From exploring icy Arctic waters to cruising paradise islands few tourists know about, there are some incre...
dive destinationsPacificVanuatuEaster IslandorcasXRExtended Rangeice divingantarcticaNorwaydive travelTravelRussiaAfricaMyanmarChile
Many areas are starting to lift their stay-at-home orders but travel is still widely restricted. If any goo...
Scuba Divingdivingice divingcold water divingtips and tricksdry suitdiving equipment
Cold as ice and yet so hot!Lake Baikal is one of the largest waterbodies in the world. Super clean water. A...
ice divingLake BaikalspecialSSI News
To end this winter’s dive season, we would like to share our teaser video with you, wrapping up our expedit...
SSIrEvoMaresSiberiadive expedition teamdive teamice divingLake Baikalwinter divingspecialSSI News
The day started the same as usual, but just up to the point where we loaded up our 4x4’s, because the plan ...
divessirEvocoldwaterdivingicedivingMareseXtendedRangehardtohandlespecialSSI News
This morning we woke up with a smile in our faces since we knew it would be a fantastic day, but also with ...
divessirEvocoldwaterdivingicedivingMareseXtendedRangeBanjaSaunaupsidedownSSI News
Today we headed north to the sharp tip of the Island of Olkhon. While the thermometer was showing a milder...
divessicoldwaterdivingicedivingMareseXtendedRangeSSI News
Finally we got under the ice today! The morning got off to a challenging start since the temperature dro...
XRSSIrEvobaikalexpeditionMareslakeSiberiaTechnical DivingSSI News
Today we left our cozy, comfy hotel in Irkutsk. Lake Baikal was the final destination and the village Khuzh...
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After being in a safe harbor with a comfy bed and a great intercontinental breakfast still in Irkutsk, we h...
divessiXRSSIcoldwatericecoldicedivingMaresomgTechnical DivingSSI News
Time flies... We all met just 3 weeks ago during BOOT Show to coordinate the final details for our Lake Ba...
XRbaikalcoldwaterdivingjustaddwaterreadivingteamTechnical DivingSSI News
From February 14th to February 22nd 2017, a team of seven intrepid divers will be heading to Siberia to exp...
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What works best if you want to see how your products perform when being used? EXTREME CONDITIONS! Mares...
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