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When it comes to your diving bucket list, it is hard to beat encountering the ocean’s giants. From whales a...
Scuba DivingTravel
Sipadan Island, located off the east coast of Malaysian Borneo, is a world-renowned diving destination know...
Have you ever considered diving with tiger sharks in the Maldives? If not, let us introduce you to Fuvahmul...
Scuba Diving
Are you thinking about planning the dive trip of a lifetime? With so many incredible dive spots scattered a...
The Kingdom of Tonga is one of the most picturesque countries in the Pacific Islands and boasts palm-f...
Puerto Rico sits within the Caribbean and has over 143 islands, keys and atolls. This gorgeous archipelago ...
Does the idea of shivering your way through a dive make you want to stay on dry land? If you want to try co...
Scuba DivingTechnical Diving
Are you trying to decide when to take your diving vacation this year? There are countless incredible dive s...
The New Year is here, and you might be thinking of involving scuba diving in your plans or resolutions. If ...
The small Red Sea town of Dahab is Egypt’s best-kept secret. Much quieter than the built-up dive hubs of Sh...
Scuba DivingFreedivingTravel
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to create freediving instructors? To teach them how to teach, ...
The January blues can hit us hard after the festive period is over, and many of us are left dreaming of war...
The New Year is here! Start 2024 right by ticking some of the world’s top dive spots off your diving bucket...
Written by Elizabeth Langenberg. There was a time when this top diving destination seemed unreachable to mo...
If you are looking for a sign to take on the challenge of ice diving, here it is! There is no time like the...
Shipwrecks make for an exciting diving experience for people that love adventure and history. Over time shi...
Technical DivingTravel
Reef diving might be the obvious jumping off point as a diver, but beyond coral landscapes there are hundre...
Scuba DivingEnvironmentTravelmuck divingmacro diving
It’s a new year, and the best way to start the year out right is in the water! Depending on where in the wo...
Scuba DivingTravelJanuary
Here at SSI, we are never satisfied. Our goal is to ensure that our dedicated divers always have access to ...
SSI News
The new year is approaching and you are probably starting to think about your new year’s resolutions. But i...
The holidays are upon us, and what better thing to do to escape the hustle and bustle of this busy season t...
Scuba DivingMyDiveGuideTravel
Do you shiver while diving in certain coldwater spots? …It might be time to invest in a drysuit! Providing ...
Extended RangeTechnical Divingdry suit
Asia is one of the most popular travel continents in the world, especially for divers. The Asian waters are...
Liveaboard diving offers you the chance to go further out into the ocean to see more exciting dive sites. L...
Whales are beautiful, elegant in the water, and intelligent in ways we do not even fully understand. To see...
Blue OceansEnvironment
Scuba diving with sharks is an exhilarating and magical experience that you will remember forever. Whether ...
sharksBlue OceansEnvironmentMyDiveGuide
If you are involved in the freediving community, you have no doubt heard of a little place called Dahab. Th...
French Polynesia - the name alone brings to mind idyllic atolls in clear, turquoise waters, luxurious resor...
French PolynesialiveaboardMyDiveGuideTravel
Spring is in the air, the days are getting longer, and the northern hemisphere is coming to life after wint...
Scuba Divingscuba divingMyDiveGuideTravelDive TripApril
It is the start of a new year and the perfect time to pack your bags and explore the world. Whether you wan...
Scuba DivingMyDiveGuideTravelJanuaryNew YearBest Dives