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Létrehoztunk egy egyedülálló és átfogó adatbázist, amely összekapcsolja a búvárhelyeket és a lehetséges vadon élő állatokkal való találkozást az SSI Oktatási Központokkal világszerte. Nézd meg és tervezd meg a következő búvárkalandodat virtuálisan!
Számos búvárszakmai szint vár rád. Fedezd fel a lehetőségeidet, miközben megtapasztalhatod az új életstílust és a világméretű karrierlehetőségeket világszerte!
Hozzon létre egy felhasználói profilt, és azonnal hozzáférhet az SSI ingyenes próbaprogramjaihoz, használhatja a digitális naplót, amely több ezer merülőhelyet tartalmaz világszerte, és még sok minden mást.
VDI has introduced the world to the most advanced diving simulator/game App. This is as close to diving as ...
Scuba DivingSSI News
New evaluation method shows the impact of fishing on "by-catch species"A new method for assessing fish stoc...
Researchers publish study on pumice raft in the Southwest PacificSince August 2019, a huge cluster of pumic...
environmentpumice rocksfloating stonesEnvironment
Researchers want to study mobile oxygen minimum zonesThe nets are in place: As part of the Helmholtz enviro...
environmentocean eddiesvortexEnvironment
New study reduces uncertainties in greenhouse gas emissionsMethane (CH4) is a powerful greenhouse gas that ...
climate changemethaneGreenhouse gasenvironmentEnvironment
Fucus vesiculosus (Bladderwrack) shows coupled reactions to environmental changesShort-term heat waves, lon...
climate changealgaeenvironmentEnvironment
Scientists are showing a new picture of the role of viruses in the seaViruses are known primarily as pathog...
NABU: planned Fehmarn Belt tunnel now has one more problemReefs instead of sandy soil: The NABU has present...
conservationbaltic seaenvironmentEnvironment
Researchers studied natural gas leaks in the Mediterranean off ItalyThe storage of carbon dioxide in the se...
climate changeco2environmentEnvironment
New study on coral growth in times of climate changeCorals have been master builders of the seas for millio...
climate changecoralsenvironmentEnvironment
For the first time, researchers are measuring hydroxylamine in the open oceanWhen and where in nature, what...
researchclimate changeoceanenvironmentnitrous oxideEnvironment
Young fish show organ damage at high CO2 concentrationsAtlantic cod is one of the most important commercial...
climate changeoceanacidificationenvironmentEnvironment
Long-term observations contradict previous viewsThe subpolar North Atlantic plays a crucial role in global ...
oceancirculationdeep waterenvironmentEnvironment
Researchers provide instructions and decision aids The Baltic Sea contains a dark legacy of ca. 50 000 t...
oceanconservationbaltic seaammunitionenvironmentEnvironment
Researchers are investigating upwelling areas off Africa and South AmericaOn the eastern edges of the Atlan...
Trawl nets endanger many speciesIn Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), the marine environment should be particul...
oceanconservationfishingmarine sanctuaryenvironmentEnvironment
GEOMAR researchers publish long-term observations from Labrador Sea The Labrador Sea in the northwestern...
researchclimate changeoceanenvironmentEnvironment
Kiel researchers use drone for first time in sample collection For the first time, a drone has been succ...
researchclimate changeoceanconservationenvironmentEnvironment
International research team publishes latest seafloor maps Tectonically, the Mediterranean is very activ...
researchtectonic platesseafloorenvironmentEnvironment
Scientists call on public to help in compilation In the course of their research work, marine biologists...
Researchers publish findings after studying aftermath of 2010 earthquake in Chile Most severe earthquak...
For the first time, scientists have proven that ocean acidification and rising sea temperatures adversely a...
GEOMARresearchocean acidificationEnvironment
GEOMAR scientists examine internal pH values of corals in Papua New Guinea Tropical corals of the genus...
Research explain how organisms move between hydrothermal ventsHighly specialised communities form at the hy...
GEOMARresearchoceanBlack SmokerHydrothermal VentEnvironment
Scientists call for more protection and monitoring needed In July 2016, at the 22nd Session of the Inter...
Increasing meltwater affects salinity of Gulf Stream The salinity in the waters around Greenland plays ...
GEOMARresearchclimate changeoceangreenlandGulf StreamenvironmentEnvironment
CIESM Congress to convene in Germany for the first time As President of the Mediterranean Science Commis...
Data gathered by the paleoceanographers shows that cold-water corals off the coast of Europe require a spec...
The exhibition ship MS Wissenschaft will host the new "Seas and Oceans" exhibition, under the Year of Scien...
Measurements taken by satellites indicate that the eastern flank of Mount Etna is slowly sliding into the I...
volcanoEtnaSicilytsunamiItalyspecialSSI News