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Számos búvárszakmai szint vár rád. Fedezd fel a lehetőségeidet, miközben megtapasztalhatod az új életstílust és a világméretű karrierlehetőségeket világszerte!
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When it comes to your diving bucket list, it is hard to beat encountering the ocean’s giants. From whales a...
Scuba DivingTravel
Europe boasts some stunning dive sites, offering everything from dramatic underwater caves to vibrant coral...
Europe is one of the world’s most popular travel destinations, famous for its food, culture, architecture, ...
Scuba divers and freedivers are drawn to the world’s oceans but there is so much to be explored inland. Thr...
scuba divingTravel
Reef diving might be the obvious jumping off point as a diver, but beyond coral landscapes there are hundre...
Scuba DivingEnvironmentTravelmuck divingmacro diving
The holidays are upon us, and what better thing to do to escape the hustle and bustle of this busy season t...
Scuba DivingMyDiveGuideTravel
Whether you love wreck diving, spotting large marine life, or want to dive in a lake that offers crystal cl...
scuba divingTravelEurope
From exploring icy Arctic waters to cruising paradise islands few tourists know about, there are some incre...
dive destinationsPacificVanuatuEaster IslandorcasXRExtended Rangeice divingantarcticaNorwaydive travelTravelRussiaAfricaMyanmarChile
The Canary Islands are the home of the Angelshark, and if you want to meet this beautiful shark species, yo...
Scuba DivingconservationenvironmentLanzarotespecialcanary islandsangel shark
Ice diving in Antarctica or the Arctic is ideal for adventurous divers looking for a challenge and exceptio...
ArcticSSIice divingantarcticaliveaboardFreedivingSSI Newscold water diving
A winter trip to the Norwegian ArcticWhen the days get shorter and the temperatures drop below zero, an inc...
ArcticNorwayspecialSSI News
Serendipitous discovery: Large cold water coral reef Norwegian researchers have discovered the largest know...
environmentNorwaycold water reefEnvironment
International commission for protecting marine life in Antarctica has failed for the eighth consecutive tim...
antarcticWeddell SeaenvironmentEnvironment
Diving changes lives. It is one of those activities where its transformative power can be seen applied to b...
Scuba DivingdivingSSIbeginneryoung diverMikkel Tybjerg
So-called "killer gene" in northern Norway threatens aquacultureMalignant bloom of the alga Chrysochromulin...
Researchers estimate economic damage of plastic pollution The plastic waste in our seas not only severely ...
oceanconservationplastic wasteenvironmentEnvironment
33 days of invaluable knowledge about bluefin tunaLast year, marine scientists succeeded in providing a 250...
Young fish show organ damage at high CO2 concentrationsAtlantic cod is one of the most important commercial...
climate changeoceanacidificationenvironmentEnvironment
Norway's catch quota in 2017 increased from 880 to 999 Norwegian fisheries minister Per Sandberg wants t...
Data gathered by the paleoceanographers shows that cold-water corals off the coast of Europe require a spec...
To safeguard the future survival of our planet and ocean, ambitious climate objectives and a reduction in g...
GEOMARecosystemsclimate changeoceanocean acidificationclimateDDKGerman Climate ConsortiumGerman Marine Research Consortiumgreenhouse gasesKDMenvironmentEnvironment
Researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) has sho...
When Ocean Acidification Intensifies, Which Species Will Be The Ultimate Survivor? What impact does ocea...
GEOMARresearchclimate changeocean acidificationenvironmentEnvironment