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Have you ever considered diving with tiger sharks in the Maldives? If not, let us introduce you to Fuvahmul...
Scuba Diving
The Indonesian paradise of Bali is not just renowned for its lush landscapes, vibrant culture, an...
Scuba DivingTravel
August is a month filled with adventure and fantastic diving opportunities around the world. As the summer ...
Spring has officially sprung for much of the world, and what is a better way to get outside and enjoy it th...
Jellyfish are ancient and fascinating sea creatures who can be found in waters all over the world. Most di...
Environmentmarine life
The United Kingdom may only be a small country, but its rugged coastline is packed with incredible dive sit...
Scuba Divingunited kingdom
Reef diving might be the obvious jumping off point as a diver, but beyond coral landscapes there are hundre...
Scuba DivingEnvironmentTravelmuck divingmacro diving
The summer may be winding down, but your diving activity does not have to. In most places around the world,...
scuba divingMyDiveGuideTravel
Summer is well underway in the northern hemisphere and Europe has some of the best diving in July. There, y...
Scuba Divingscuba divingMyDiveGuideTravel
Being in the water with manta rays is an incredible experience that most ocean-lovers dream of. There is no...
manta raysEnvironmentMyDiveGuidewildlife sightingswildlifeTravel
When it comes to liveaboard diving, experienced scuba divers can have it all. As well as diving at the most...
Scuba DivingmaldivesIndonesiaPhilippinesliveaboardgalapagoskomodoTechnical Divingdive travelmicronesiaTravelSocorro IslandsMexico divingpalauliveaboard destinationsliveaboard dive tripsCosta Rica
Liveaboard diving is the best way to reach the most sought-after and remote dive destinations in the world....
Scuba DivingIndonesiaEgyptPhilippinesliveaboardFijiliveaboard holidaydive travelTravelliveaboard destinations
The world is truly your oyster as an experienced diver! You have perfected your skills, are confident in th...
dive traveladvanced divingTravelBest dive spots in the world
The spectacular Coral Triangle is the underwater equivalent of the Amazon rainforest and is the epicenter o...
Scuba DivingIndonesiaPhilippinessolomon islandsMalaysiadive sitesdive travelbest diving spotscoral trianglePapua New Guinea
Dive with the most fascinating animals under water. Here you can find out which animals you should go divin...
Scuba DivingdivingSSIsardine runSunfishcatfishManta RaySSI NewsunterwasserGiant OctopusLeafy SeadragonGreat White SharkDolphinePygmy Seahorsesdive withdiving with
Indonesia, one of the best-loved liveaboard diving destinations in the world, has so much to offer it can b...
divingIndonesiaGili Islandsliveaboardsafarispecialscuba divingindonesian dive destinationkomodoraja ampatwakatobicenderawasih baylembeh straitalorhalmaheraambonbanda islandsforgotten islandsSSI News
Mola mola or sunfish might be easy to identify, thanks to their unusual looks and habit of lounging at the ...
IndonesiaSunfishenvironmentliveaboardmola molagalapagosomanEnvironment
International team discovers new sunfish species An elusive new species of ocean sunfish has been discov...
new speciesSunfishenvironmentEnvironment
Many years ago Scubadiving had been one of the great adventures in Life. Of course there has also been spor...