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It is tempting to believe that we have already uncovered everything there is to know about our planet, espe...
Scuba DivingSSI News
If you are interested in exploring the world of deep diving, becoming an SSI Deep Diver might be just what ...
Technical Diving
Are you thinking about planning the dive trip of a lifetime? With so many incredible dive spots scattered a...
Scuba DivingTravel
If Spanish is your native tongue, then the world has some excellent options when it comes to learning to sc...
I will never forget seeing a healthy and thriving reef for the first time. I began my scuba diving career i...
scuba divingSSI NewsTravel
Traveling for a diving holiday has to be one the most eagerly anticipated activities for all water enthusia...
scuba divingTravel
Shore diving is the most accessible type of diving, you can simply put your gear on, waddle to shoreline, a...
Thailand offers some of the best scuba diving in Asia, with thriving coral reefs, white sand beaches, and a...
Bioluminescence is light that is created and emitted by living organisms. It is useful to a multitude of cr...
Blue OceansEnvironment
When it comes to scuba diving destinations, Belize is a jewel in the crown of the Caribbean.Densely packed ...
The holidays are upon us, and what better thing to do to escape the hustle and bustle of this busy season t...
Scuba DivingMyDiveGuideTravel
From drop-offs and flourishing coral walls, to wrecks and blue holes, the Caribbean Sea has something for e...
Who does not love an Insta scrolling-session? With thousands of beautiful diving destinations and underwate...
Spring is in the air, the days are getting longer, and the northern hemisphere is coming to life after wint...
Scuba Divingscuba divingMyDiveGuideTravelDive TripApril
A world of underwater adventure awaits you as a newly-certified diver. Although you have some depth restric...
Caribbeanscuba divingMyDiveGuideTravelDive Trip
As an advanced diver, it is time to explore more challenging dive sites, put your skills into action and vi...
Scuba DivingmaldivesIndonesiacoral reefswreckdivingPhilippinessolomon islandsbelizeFrench Polynesiacayman islandsdive traveladvanced divingidyllic destinations
Scuba diving is a safe fun sport filled with adventures you will never forget! Read on to discover more inc...
maldivesIndonesiasolomon islandsbelizeFamilyFijiFamilydive travelfamily travelfamily dive vacationfamily-friendly dive destinationsdive with your familymicronesiacorsica
When it comes to diving, there is nothing like drifting over light-filled coral reefs or along coral-encrus...
Scuba Divingreefmaldivesred seagreat barrier reefcoral reefsPhilippinesmexicobelizeraja ampatFijidive travelCozumelpristine reefsreefsTravelpalauMauritius
Aggressor Adventures created a $300 USD incentive Here’s how it works You buy any one of the SSI Specialt...
Scuba DivingSSISSI NewsAggressorincentivevoucherAggressor Adventures
Healthy mangrove forests help reef fishA new study shows how healthy mangroves can help some reef fish cope...
climate changereef fishenvironmentmangrovesEnvironment
If you want to dive in Belize, you have basically three options: Either you choose one of the many provider...
belizespecialBlue HoleSSI News
We are pleased to announce Tom Lynch and Jody Hart are the winners of our 2016 Master Diver Challenge! ...
competitiondivessiSSIchallengeprizemaster diverwinnerSSI News
Roll Call For The World's Sharks Every year, as many as 100 million sharks worldwide are killed for thei...