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Hozzon létre egy felhasználói profilt, és azonnal hozzáférhet az SSI ingyenes próbaprogramjaihoz, használhatja a digitális naplót, amely több ezer merülőhelyet tartalmaz világszerte, és még sok minden mást.
The Red Sea, renowned for its crystal-clear waters and vibrant coral reefs, is truly a diver’s paradis...
Scuba DivingTravel
Cambodia’s scuba diving scene was once considered the best in the world. Divers could encounter unique spec...
Our oceans and seas are suffering. Plastic pollution is a huge problem, climate change is causing sea level...
World Ocean Day takes place every year on June 8th. It is a day to appreciate all our ocean gives to us, to...
As divers we should try to protect this beautiful blue planet that we call home in any way we can. Earth Da...
Marine Protected Areas safeguard a small percentage of the world’s marine areas; they are put in place to e...
Blue OceansEnvironment
Dolphins are extremely intelligent, graceful, and fun. It is not a surprise that most people have "swim wi...
As divers, we see firsthand the damage that is being done to our oceans; Fish getting caught in plastic bag...
conservationdiverscuba divingEnvironment
As an ocean lover, you know that sharks often get a bad rap. They are largely misrepresented to the public ...
conservationsharksenvironmentenvironment conservationEnvironmentshark conservationsave sharks
A Ministry of Fisheries media statement was released by the Maldives government on 20th April 2021, confirm...
maldivessharksEnvironmentshark fishing ban
The Canary Islands are the home of the Angelshark, and if you want to meet this beautiful shark species, yo...
Scuba DivingconservationenvironmentLanzarotespecialcanary islandsangel shark
New technique uses drone photos to weigh whalesFredrik Christiansen of the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Stu...
divingwhalesenvironmentdiving with whalesEnvironment
Baited hooks instead of Shark netThe most dangerous shark net at the coast of South Africa has been dismant...
dolphinsconservationsharksshark netsenvironmentEnvironment
Experts demand strict protectionThe protection status of the inner Baltic Sea porpoises has recently not be...
oceanconservationharbour porpoisesenvironmentEnvironment
Greenpeace ship "Esperanza" is on a one-year expeditionFor the protection of the high seas, the Greenpeace ...
Study again reveals serious deficiencies in the seal for fish productsA recent study by the NABU umbrella o...
Diseases and ocean warming cause populations to collapse The combination of ocean warming and an infecti...
climate changeoceansunflower sea starocean warmingenvironmentspecialEnvironment
South Africa: What are you doing? South Africa is blessed! There is hardly another country on Earth that...
oceanconservationfishingsharkssardine runenvironmentEnvironment
Protecting whales means protecting global climate They are the symbol of the threat that climate changes...
researchoceanconservationenvironmentSSI News
Thousands of sharks become bycatch and perish on longlines meant for tuna Tuna fishermen who share infor...
researchoceanconservationsharksbycatchfishing industryenvironmentEnvironment
German environmental organisations have called for a more effective level of marine protection in the North...