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When it comes to your diving bucket list, it is hard to beat encountering the ocean’s giants. From whales a...
Scuba DivingTravel
Top Scuba Jokes and Puns To Make Your Dive Buddy Laugh1.Why did the scuba diver cross the road? To get...
Scuba Diving
The ocean is home to some of the oldest living species on Earth; creatures that have survived for hundreds ...
Have you ever considered diving with tiger sharks in the Maldives? If not, let us introduce you to Fuvahmul...
In the world of freediving, being mentally prepared helps to improve your performance and manage the stress...
Corals worldwide are turning white in response to the higher-than-average ocean temperatures this year. So ...
Up to 9% of the human population suffer from ‘thalassophobia’: a fear of deep bodies of water such as ...
The Bahamas is famous for its crystal-clear shallow waters and pristine white sand beaches and is a haven f...
Have you ever been curious to peer more closely under a rock, look deeper within a hollowed-out tree branch...
Scuba DivingSSI NewsTravel
Freediving has been appearing on our screens more and more recently with documentaries such as My Octopus T...
Snorkeling is a fantastic and inexpensive way to explore coral reefs and spot some exciting marine life fro...
Freediving is more than a sport! It is a way to explore the underwater world without too much dive equipmen...
Are you a scuba-loving family looking to take the ultimate dive vacation together this summer?There are num...
Many ocean lovers engage in more than one water sport to get the most out of their time in the water. Surfe...
Bioluminescence is light that is created and emitted by living organisms. It is useful to a multitude of cr...
Blue OceansEnvironment
Coral is something that all divers love to see underwater. Coral reefs showcase all the colors of the rainb...
When you think of birds you probably imagine them up in the sky. But many bird species around the world can...
Environmentmarine life
Whether you’re a diver yourself already, or not, scuba diving is an incredible hobby to get your child (and...
Familyscuba divingstart divingFamily
Coral reefs are not only beautiful, colorful, and fun to explore, they are extremely important to our plane...
environmentenvironment conservationBlue Oceans
Being in the water with manta rays is an incredible experience that most ocean-lovers dream of. There is no...
manta raysEnvironmentMyDiveGuidewildlife sightingswildlifeTravel
If you are involved in the freediving community, you have no doubt heard of a little place called Dahab. Th...
A large majority of active divers live in areas where boat diving is not always available. And even if it i...
Scuba Divingdivingdiving educationshore divingadvanced divingdiving tipsdive gear
There is nothing like freediving for experiencing the ocean in a life-changing new way. This amazing sport ...
Freedivingfreediving spots
Dive with the most fascinating animals under water. Here you can find out which animals you should go divin...
Scuba DivingdivingSSIsardine runSunfishcatfishManta RaySSI NewsunterwasserGiant OctopusLeafy SeadragonGreat White SharkDolphinePygmy Seahorsesdive withdiving with
Illegal fishing on a large scale by Vietnamese wooden boatsA flotilla of Vietnamese fishing boats with crew...
conservationPacificsea cucumberenvironmentgiant clamsEnvironment
Swirling ocean currents support sharks as they descend into deep watersBlue sharks use large, swirling ocea...
environmentblue sharkEnvironment
At least two different types of bubble gum corals identified DNA analysis has now confirmed that scienti...
researchDeep SeacoralsenvironmentEnvironment
Long-term observations contradict previous viewsThe subpolar North Atlantic plays a crucial role in global ...
oceancirculationdeep waterenvironmentEnvironment
Researchers do not know how the animals survive thereAnimals need oxygen to live. Now marine biologists hav...
Deep SeaoxygenenvironmentEnvironment
Researchers are investigating upwelling areas off Africa and South AmericaOn the eastern edges of the Atlan...